26 Ιανουαρίου 2010
Γύφτος έκλεψε...πυροσβεστικό!
25 Ιανουαρίου 2010
"Τουρκεύει" η Ευρώπη;
Ο Τούρκος βουλευτής Μεβλούτ Τσαβούσογλου είναι ο νέος πρόεδρος της Κοινοβουλευτικής Συνέλευσης του Συμβουλίου της Ευρώπης, αντικαθιστώντας τον σοσιαλιστή Ισπανό Λουίς Μαρία ντε Πουίγκ.
Σημειώνεται ότι είναι η πρώτη φορά που ένας βουλευτής της Τουρκίας αναλαμβάνει αυτό το ευρωπαϊκό αξίωμα, ενώ ο κ. Τσαβούσογλου χαριτολογώντας δήλωσε ότι «είμαι επίσης ο πιο νέος και ο πιο φαλακρός».
Ο κ. Τσαβούσογλου, ο οποίος υπήρξε ιδρυτικό μέλος του τουρκικού Κόμματος Δικαιοσύνης και Ανάπτυξης (AKP), και από το 2007 προεδρεύει της κοινοβουλευτικής αντιπροσωπείας της Τουρκίας στο Συμβούλιο της Ευρώπης, θα μείνει στη θέση του προέδρου του Ευρωπαϊκού Συμβουλίου για δύο χρόνια.
Στην πρώτη του ομιλία, ως πρόεδρος του Συμβουλίου, ζήτησε να τηρηθεί ενός λεπτού σιγή για τα θύματα του σεισμού στην Αϊτή και στη συνέχεια καταδίκασε την τρομοκρατία.
«Αισθανόμαστε περισσότερο Ευρωπαίοι από ποτέ», κατέληξε ο νέος πρόεδρος.
Ο κύριος δεξιά στην φωτογραφία μαζί με τους Robert Barry, Pia Christmas-Moller είναι ο Τσαβούσογλου στα Σκόπια... (16.06.2008)
Σχετικό θέμα: Οι Οθωμανοί ξανάρχονται...
Η Αγία Αικατερίνη η προστάτιδα των γραμμάτων
Μόρφωσις καταπληκτική
Η Αικατερίνη* ήτανε εξυπνότατη και είχε μεγάλη όρεξη, για σπουδή και γράμματα. Ως τα δεκαοκτώ χρόνια έμαθε τέλεια την Ελληνική και Ρωμαϊκή Παιδεία και Επιστήμη. Έμαθε τους μεγάλους ποιητές, τον Όμηρο και τον Βιργίλιο. Σπούδασε την Ιατρική και διάβασε τον Ιπποκράτη και τον Γαληνό, τους ιατρούς. Περισσότερο όμως ασχολήθηκε με την Φιλοσοφία. Τον Αριστοτέλη, τον Πλάτωνα, τον Φιλιστίωνα και τους άλλους φιλοσόφους τους έπαιζε στα δάκτυλα. Ασχολήθηκε και με τους μεγάλους μάγους και αποκρυφιστάς, τον Διονύσιον και την Σίβυλλαν. Έμαθε την ρητορική τέχνη και είχε ευφράδεια καταπληκτική. Έμαθε επίσης πολλές γλώσσες. Τόση δε ήταν η εξυπνάδα της και η σοφία, που απέκτησε, ώστε έμειναν κατάπληκτοι όσοι την έβλεπαν και την άκουγαν.
Παρθενική ζωή
Είχε κάλλος και ομορφιά ασύγκριτη. Όταν μεγάλωσε, από το ένα μέρος η ομορφιά και η κορμοστασιά της νέας και από το άλλο η σοφία και η μόρφωσις συγκίνησαν πολλούς πλούσιους, άρχοντες και αξιωματούχους.
Περισσότερα από την πηγή....
Γενικά στις Δυτικές χώρες τιμάται ως προστάτιδα της παιδείας και των γραμμάτων.
Κάθε ομοιότητα με την υπαρκτή Υπατία είναι συμπτωματική ή τυχαία;
*Για την Αικατερίνη δεν υπάρχει κανένα μη εκκλησιαστικό ιστορικό στοιχείο ή μαρτυρία.
24 Ιανουαρίου 2010
Σε εξέλιξη η δημιουργία του νέου «Άξονα»;
Πόσο πιθανή είναι η δημιουργία ενός νέου «άξονα», αυτή τη φορά αποτελούμενο από Γερμανία – Ρωσία – Ιράν;
Στο άρθρο έχουν προστεθεί υποστηρικτικά στοιχεία.
Ανάρτηση: Σε εξέλιξη η δημιουργία του νέου «Άξονα»
email από Alkimos Archive
Πνέει τα λοίσθια η Αμερικάνικη Αυτοκρατορία;
At home, the growth of an imperial presidency, with the CIA as its private army, has culminated in kleptocrats' resort to warrantless wiretaps, torture, a gulag of secret CIA prisons and an unconstitutional arrogation of dictatorial powers, while a corrupt Congress bows like the Roman Senate to Caesar. Retribution looms, as the American economy, dependent on a bloated military-industrial-kleptocrat complex(MIKC) and foreign borrowing, staggers toward bankruptcy, maybe a military coup.
Obama said America would finally, quickly and safely withdraw from Iraq, and even pay for domestic needs with the savings. But it became clear by his February speech at Camp Lejeune that his approach would be more or less what we would have expected from a third Bush term -- following the approximate benchmarks of the Status of Forces Agreement that Bush himself had acceded to in late 2008. Meanwhile, Obama gave no mention of the Vatican-sized embassy, its force protection, military contractors, troops charged with training the Iraqi military or what non-combat troops was really supposed to mean. All of this means the U.S. could indeed remain there longer than Bush had promised, and could lead to another escalation in that theater of war. Over a hundred thousand U.S. troops remain in Iraq. One hundred forty five have died there since Obama took office.
Venitist Anthony Gregory points out that in Afghanistan, the situation has been far worse than we could have probably expected under another year of Bush. This is all because, tragically, Obama has kept his promise: He announced in November the deployment of about 30,000 additional troops, bringing the total number up to about three times what it was when he took office. 2009 became the worst year for the Afghan people since 2001 -- more depredations of children's rights and the most civilian deaths since the invasion, including in air strikes that are ripe with scandal and can only contribute to the terrorist threat. As commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, Obama picked General Stanley McChrystal, who became the target of controversy in the Bush years for the draconian handling of detention centers, the blocking of Red Cross from these prison camps, and for his involvement in covering up the truth about Pat Tillman's death. Needless to say, when McChrystal publicly contradicted the president's assessment of what was needed for victory, he was not fired for insubordination. Obama and the Democrats always criticized Bush and the Republicans for "neglecting" Afghanistan. The Democrats' due diligence has successfully made Afghanistan a far deadlier place than Iraq in the last year. About 300 have died there since Obama took office.
Anthony Gregory notes this is all, supposedly, to take down about 100 members of al-Qaeda who live in Afghanistan and to stop a somewhat larger number in Pakistan from destabilizing that country. To stop the enemy in Pakistan, Obama has dramatically escalated drone strikes, launching them more than 40 times, killing far more civilians than militants and displacing as many as two million Pakistanis from the Swat valley in one of the largest refugee crises since Rwanda. Obama assures us we need not actually invade and occupy Pakistan, since it is a U.S. ally, but this policy of pseudostability supposedly justifies the entire U.S. project in both nations.
Anthony Gregory points out the military excursions -- which the Democrats used to condemn as "unilateralism" when Bush did it -- mount from nation to nation. In his November speech at West Point announcing the escalation in Afghanistan, Obama promised more intervention in Somalia and Yemen. He had already bombed and even with a small force invaded Somalia, and provided about eighty tons of weaponry to Somalia's government, much of which ends up in the hands of the insurgents. His administration had threatened to invade Eritria in April. In the next month, at least dozens of civilians were killed in Yemen by Obama's cruise missiles, which was soon after cited by the Christmas Day underwear bomber as the inspiration for his attempted act of blowback.
Although his diplomatic tone toward Iran marks an improvement over Bush's belligerence, it is also less coherent, coming from an administration that claims Iran was "caught" with a nuclear facility that Iran itself had announced, well within its rights, to the International Atomic Energy Agency and that was not nuclearized at the time of this supposed revelation. Obama has approved tough sanctions on Iran, a classical act of war by other means, which will only hurt the Iranian people and strengthen the mullahs. While the claims that Iran is intervening in the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan against our forces strain credibility, in October, a terrorist associated with Jundallah -- an al-Qaeda-affiliated enemy of the Iranian government that the United States most likely backs covertly -- carried out a suicide attack that killed 31 people.
Obama has also backed stricter sanctions against North Korea, a billion-plus dollars in foreign aid to Mexico so it can crack down on drugs, and $108 billion in loan guarantees to the International Monetary Fund.
This last bit of spending, incidentally, was included in a war supplemental bill passed in June. Aside from the $108 billion for the IMF was an off-budget $106 billion for Afghanistan and Iraq war spending, $660 million in aid for Gaza, $555 million for Israel, $310 million for Egypt, $300 million for Jordan, $420 million for Mexico and $889 million for UN peacekeeping missions. This supplemental bill was requested by the man who said last February:
This budget looks ahead ten years and accounts for spending that was left out under the old rules -- and for the first time, that includes the full cost of fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. For seven years, we have been a nation at war. No longer will we hide its price.
Anthony Gregory muses the president who won the Nobel Peace Prize has pushed through the largest "defense" budgets since World War II, and just requested a total of $708 billion Department of Defense budget for next year. Nevertheless, Obama condones Turcoterrorists. Motherfucker Turcoterrorists wreak havoc in Fourth Reich(EU), especially Cyprus and many islands of Aegean Sea, the Greek archipelago. Moreover, Turkey has declared casus belli against Fourth Reich. Nevertheless, terrorist Turkey has the nerve to apply for Fourth Reich membership! If this is not a joke, what is it? Basil Venitis asserts that Fourth Reich should embargo terrorist Turkey. If NATO wants to save its inegrity, it should expel terrorist Turkey right now, and throw the terrorist Turkish troops out of North Cyprus now. Allah il Allah!
In some important ways, Obama's general promise to change foreign policy was always in tension with his specific campaign vows. To the extent it has changed, it has almost all changed for the worse -- more intervention, more war, more foreign aid, more bombings. But the trajectory is approximately identical to the way it was under Bush. What else would we expect from the president who put McChrystal in charge of Afghanistan, appointed John Brennan, another Bush adviser closely associated with Bush's "enhanced interrogation" policy, to the post of Deputy National Security Adviser for Homeland Security, and kept Robert Gates as the Defense Secretary upon taking office on a campaign of hope and change?
email από eurofirefly
Obama and Hellenic America: A Year in review.
Contact: Ioannis Fidanakis, New Jersey, Tel. 1-973-464-0211
NEW YORK—The Hellenic League of America (HLA) releases its position paper on Mr. Obama’s first year in office as American president .Written by *Ioannis Fidanakis this timely analysis links to an actual WHITE HOUSE transcript, pertinent news articles and commentaries on Hellenic National issues, and provides a myth busting expose on the so-called Greek “lobby” relationship with Mr. Obama based on recent “Greek News” interviews of Panicos or Peter Papanicolaou of the Cyprus Federation of America ,Philip Christopher of PSEKA, and Mr. Obama’s friend the Illinois State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias:
(Please distribute the link below to “Obama and Hellenic America: A Year in review”)
* Ioannis Fidanakis is a Grad Student and Hellenic-American Activist. He was the youngest elected President of Panthracian Union of America “Orpheus” serving as President from November 2007 till November 2009. As President of Panthracian Union he was responsible for organizing the first ever Hellenic Genocide Commemoration outside the United Nations on April 6, 2009. He is currently the Panthracian Representative to the Federation of Hellenic Societies of Greater New York, where he is also a Board Member. A member of the Hellenic League of America, HLA and Cyprus Action Network of America, CANA he has been featured as a guest speaker at several different grassroots rallies, lectures, and functions up and down the American East Coast. His writings have been published several times in Hellenic-American newspapers from Chicago to New York, as well as on Global Politician.com. His various articles have been republished on numerous blogs and web sites such as Sparta: Journal of Ancient Spartan and Greek History. Ioannis has a B.A. in Political Science; with a concentration in International Politics and a minor in History. He is currently pursuing his Masters in Public Policy.
Οι Λωποδύτες.
email από rena marangakis
Ποίημα του Γεωργίου Σουρή για τον...Ρωμιό!
του ηλίου τις ακτίνες αχόρταγα ρουφώ,
και στων εφημερίδων τα νέα βυθισμένος,
κανέναν δεν κοιτάζω, κανέναν δεν ψηφώ.
Σε μία καρέκλα τό 'να ποδάρι μου τεντώνω,
το άλλο σε μίαν άλλη, κι ολίγο παρεκεί
Αφήνω το καπέλο, και αρχινώ με τόνο
τους υπουργούς να βρίζω και την πολιτική.
Ψυχή μου! τί λιακάδα! τί ουρανός ! τί φύσις !
αχνίζει εμπροστά μου ο καϊμακλής καφές,
κι εγώ κατεμπνευσμένος για όλα φέρνω κρίσεις,
και μόνος μου τις βρίσκω μεγάλες και σοφές.
Βρίζω Εγγλέζους, Ρώσους, και όποιους άλλους θέλω,
και στρίβω το μουστάκι μ' αγέρωχο πολύ,
και μέσα στο θυμό μου κατά διαόλου στέλλω
τον ίδιον εαυτό μου, και γίνομαι σκυλί.
Φέρνω τον νουν στον Διάκο και εις τον Καραΐσκο,
κατενθουσιασμένος τα γένια μου μαδώ,
τον Έλληνα εις όλα ανώτερο τον βρίσκω,
κι επάνω στην καρέκλα χαρούμενος πηδώ.
Την φίλη μας Ευρώπη με πέντε φασκελώνω,
επάνω στο τραπέζι τον γρόθο μου κτυπώ…
εχύθη ο καφές μου, τα ρούχα μου λερώνω,
κι όσες βλαστήμιες ξέρω αρχίζω να τις πω.
Στον καφετζή ξεσπάω… φωτιά κι εκείνος παίρνει.
Αμέσως άνω κάτω του κάνω τον μπουφέ,
τον βρίζω και με βρίζει, τον δέρνω και με δέρνει,
και τέλος… δεν πληρώνω δεκάρα τον καφέ.
Γεωργίου Σουρή (1853 - 1919)