Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα ΚΑΛΑΣ. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα ΚΑΛΑΣ. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

27 Φεβρουαρίου 2015


Kalasha People Η θρησκεία των Καλάσα εξακολουθεί να μην αναγνωρίζεται από την κυβέρνηση του Πακιστάν. Για να μάθετε περισσότερα για αυτό, διαβάστε αυτό το άρθρο.
The Kalasha Religion is still not recognized by the Government of Pakistan. To know more about it, read this article. Why won’t NADRA recognise the Kalasha?

19 Δεκεμβρίου 2010


Ή μήπως θέλετε να αλλαξοπιστήσουν κι αυτοί;Αντιστέκονται τόσους αιώνες με όλες τις δυνάμεις που έχουν!Αντέχετε στη σκέψη,αυτές οι Ελληνίδες να φορούν μπούργκα;Ή θα χαιρόσασταν αν γίνονταν...χριστιανές;Κοιτάξτε αυτά τα μάτια...και κοιταχτείτε μετά στον καθρέπτη...!

Alarming Increase in Female Conversions to Islam among the Indigenous Kalasha Community

Shonja ek ganta shumber Dula baya telephone una ek shum khabar praw, se amau ki Kra’ka’ grom ani Mer Khana chul’as  Kiren ek patu’a suda’s som dosh tro’mish Musulman hul’a.
A Kalasha girl named Kiren  from Kraka village in Mumuret (Bumborate Valley) converted to Islam. The rate of conversion among Kalasha females to Islam is subsequently increasing.This is mounting the despair among the small population of 4000 Kalasha people who are struggling to maintain a unique cultural existence.In past three months three Kalasha girls have departed from the ancient culture to marry individuals outside of Kalasha culture and religion.Kalasha Women folks are the main players in the orchestra of ancient indigenous culture maintainability as they wear the colorful Kalasha dress code,actively partake in transitional cultural activities,ceremonies, and transcend the indigenous stories in kalashamodr language to the their children.



Gona Chawmos -Kalasha Winter Solstice Begins

Gona Chawmos Yat Shuruk hawaw. Saw Mocbhian Kay Kalashon Ghenaw Tazaghi Aman zhe Afiat…
Kalasha Winter solstice begins from 8th with Zarazari (bon fire) till 21st Dec.
To  Kalasha chawmos is regarded as big historical memory of them as People and Society.
Chawmos is coming together and celebration of all the elements of Nature, Community, Mountain Spirits, Deities, Ancestors, Thanksgiving, Initiation rites, Chanting ancient myths, and end with carnival for the start of New Year.
Kalasha gather at mountain altars, Clan temples to give offerings and share feasts, to pray, meditate and for Peace, Health and Social Well being.

DatePrograme’s / schedule
9-12-2010C’atak Sarazari
10-12-2010Gona sarazari
11-12-2010Gosh Saras
12-12-2010Gosh Saras
13-12-2010Chuhi nari
16-12-2010Sawelik harik
17-12-2010Rest day / Peran Negek
18-12-2010Istongas rat/
19-12-2010Bud sambiyak
20-12-2010Gona tranda
22-12-2010Lawak Behek


21 Νοεμβρίου 2010


Βούρκωσαν τα μάτια μου από χαρά...,γιατί είναι μια από τις σπάνιες φορές που βλέπω ως απλά μέλη,ανθρώπους μορφωμένους που άλλοτε διεκδικούσαν την πρωτοκαθεδρία...!  Ω!,Έλληνες,της Φυλής Καλάσα,έρρωσθε και τύχη αγαθή!Και εσείς Συνέλληνες που υποστηρίζετε αυτήν την προσπάθεια έχετε τους Θεούς της Ελλάδος αρωγούς!ΕΣΕΤΑΙ ΗΜΑΡ. 


Καταστατικό θπ.Αριθ. Πρωτ.6142/2009


Καταστατικό υπ. Αριθ. Πρωτ. 6142/2009

Καντακουζηνού 10, Τ.Κ. 10677, Αθήνα
Τηλ & Fax: 210-3305168
Mob: 6945 71 73 70
Email: rajbazik@yahoo.com
Αριθ. Πρωτ. 001/Α
Αθήνα 17/03/2009


ΠΡΟΕΔΡΟΣ: Yasir Bazik s/o Sana Muhammad
ΑΝΤΙΠΡΟΕΔΡΟΣ: Musa Shahid Din s/o Noor Shahid Din
ΓΕΝΙΚΟΣ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΕΑΣ: Taj Khan s/o Azmat Ullah
ΕΙΔΙΚΟΣ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΕΑΣ: Azmat Gul s/o Abdul Kalek
ΤΑΜΙΑΣ: Taleem Khan s/o Miazar

GEORGE VLADUTESCU Ex- minister of culture, President of Romania Academy, Acad. Prof. Univ. dr. Docent Faculty of Philosophy University of Bucharest.
ΑΙΚΑΤΕΡΙΝΗ ΜΕΤΑΞΩΤΟΥ Ομότιμη Καθηγήτρια Γενετικής Ιατρικής Σχολής Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών.
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΣ ΔΑΡΡΑΣ Professor of Neurology (Pediatrics) Harvard Medical School Children's Hospital, Boston.
ΜΑΡΙΑ ΚΙΝΑΛΗ MD, MRC Senior Clinical Research University College London, Institute of Child Health.
ΕΥΣΤΑΘΙΑ ΚΑΡΑΜΠΑΤΣΟΥ του Δημητρίου, Καθηγήτρια Καλών τεχνών.
ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΜΙΧΕΛΑΚΗΣ του Γρηγορίου, συγγραφέας.
ΕΜΜΑΝΟΥΗΛ ΤΣΑΜΗΣ του Κωνσταντίνου, Σκηνοθέτης.


16 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010

Αφγανοί Ταλιμπάν απήγαγαν 10 εργάτες δάσους,κοντά στην κοιλάδα Μπουμπουρέτ των Καλάς!

Μετά την απαγωγή του Θανάση Λερούνη πέρυσι,πάλι τώρα εισέβαλαν στην περιοχή των Καλάς και απήγαγαν τους εργάτες,ως αντίποινα!Κι αυτό γιατί οι κάτοικοι του χωριού...Δάρα...!,είχαν αντισταθεί οργανωμένοι και έδιωξαν τους Ταλιμπάν από την περιοχή τους!
Δυστυχώς δεν υπάρχει περίπτωση να ενδιαφερθεί το...χριστιανοκρατούμενο κράτος μας,για κάποιους που διατυμπανίζουν ότι είναι Έλληνες απόγονοι των στρατιωτών του Μεγάλου Αλεξάνδρου!Έλληνες που παραμένουν ΕΘΝΙΚΟΙ,δηλ.Δωδεκαθεϊστές,δηλ..."ειδωλολάτρες"!
Αν όμως οι Ταλιμπάν,είχαν απαγάγει κανέναν..."ιεραπόστολο" που θα βρισκόταν εκεί για να αλλαξοπιστήσει τους ανθρώπους με τις γνωστές τακτικές τους(ίδιες με τις μουσουλμανικές),τότε θα είχε ξεσηκωθεί το...Γιαχβικό σύμπαν...!
Ακριβώς έναν χρόνο πριν,για τον Θανάση...!
Afghan Taliban kidnapped ten labourers from a forest near Bumburate  of Kalash valley
By Zahiruddin
CHITRAL: A squad of about fifty persons believed to be Afghan Talibans kidnapped ten labourers from a forest adjacent to the Kalash valley of Bumburate here on Saturday evening. Police sources told chitraltimes.com that the masked and armed assailants raided the place in the forest where the labourers stayed who were there for the last one month for harvesting of the forest on commercial scale. All the labourers belonged to the Dhoke Dara village of Upper Dir district with strength of sixty men and had been engaged by a local contractor Haji Muhammad Khan. Some of the labourers told the police that the assailants in great hurry and could take only ten of them after searching two of the rooms. The incident had taken place on 2100 hrs on Saturday but the labourers could report to the police station Ayun at 0200 hours on Sunday due to the remoteness of the area, the police official said. He said that due to the wastage of the time, the kidnappers succeeded in crossing into the Afghan area which is very close to the valley. He opined that the element of retaliation might be the motive behind the incident because the residents of Dhoke Dara had constituted an armed lashkar against the Talibans s onslaught last year and had warded them off from their valley. The names of the kidnapped persons were Muhmmad Zaman, Misal Khan, Muhammad Rasul, Sherzada, Naeem Khan, Bakhtawar Khan, Khoedad Khan, Umer Khan, Sher Alam and Muhammad Zada. It is worth mentioning here that during the last Ramazan, the Afghan Taliban had kidnapped the Greek national Athunasius from his residence in Bumburate valley.


25 Αυγούστου 2010

Έλληνες και απόγονοι στρατιωτών του Μ. Αλεξάνδρου δηλώνουν οι ντόπιοι στο Νουριστάν.

Κάτοικοι των  χωριών στα σύνορα Αφγανιστάν με Πακιστάν,μαθαίνοντας πως  είναι Έλληνας, πλησιάζουν αυθόρμητα τον πρόωρα χαμένο δημοσιογράφο Γ. Κοίλιαρη που κάλυπτε στρατιωτικό ρεπορτάζ, και του δηλώνουν πως και αυτοί είναι Ελληνικής καταγωγής και απόγονοι των στρατιωτών του Μ.Αλεξάνδρου.

Μιλώντας μπροστά στην κάμερα αναφέρουν χαρακτηριστικά:
"Εμείς οι κάτοικοι του Νουριστάν νιώθουμε Έλληνες.Είμαστε ένα μικρό κομμάτι της Ελλάδας". 
Ενώ στέλνουν και  χαιρετισμό  στους αδελφούς Έλληνες.

Προσέξτε τις φυσιογνωμίες τους και τα καπέλα που φορούν.
 Φανταστείτε την επιρροή που θα μπορούσε να αποκτήσει η Ελλάδα στην περιοχή, αν μια ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ κυβέρνηση αγκάλιαζε αυτούς τους ανθρώπους.

Δείτε το μοναδικό αυτό βίντεο

ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΚΑΙ ΠΡΟΗΓΟΥΜΕΝΟ ΣΧΕΤΙΚΟ ΘΕΜΑ: Καλάς: “Oι Περισσότεροι απο εμάς έχουν Ελληνικές Ρίζες”


Σχετικά θέματα: 
Αφγανιστάν: Ντοκουμέντο για τον Μέγα Αλέξανδρο τον Εκπολιτιστή. 
Ο Αλέξανδρος,το Ελληνικό Αφγανιστάν,οι Καλάς,οι μουλάδες και οι...Σκοπιανοί!

20 Αυγούστου 2010

Πακιστάν.Η μοίρα των Καλάς...

Δεν τους έφτανε η φτώχεια,ήρθε και η καταστροφή...

Breaking News:Climatic Catastrophe- Kalash Valley destroyed by Glacial Flooding

A massive glacier in the pastures of Kalash Valleys at the elevation of 5000m has been erupted due to the recent rains and has flooded the Kalash valley of mumuret.The shape  of scenic mumuret valley has changed due to this enormous and powerful flood that uprooted most of the timber forests on its way to the valley.The rain water further caused its own streams from the mountains which added to the vilocity of the flood. It is reported as of now that most the land  for cultivation and houses in the main land have been swept away. There are no human casualities reported but the livelihood of the indigenous kalasha people has been severly damaged.The ready crops of wheat- barely and fruit trees mainly walnuts along with precious livestolk and domestic animals have got destroyed.
(Individuals and Organizations intersted to send releif and humanitarian assistance can directly write to us) 
Torrential Rains devastates many villages in Chitral
By Zahiruddin CHITRAL: The uninterrupted torrential rains in Chitral valley for the last twenty four has caused high flood in the streams across the district which washed away more than forty houses and twenty one suspensions bridges. In Booni town, thirteen homes were washed away with five bridges over the steam. The water supply system has also been washed away leaving more than 3000 households without drinking water. It also devastated apple gardens spreading over hundreds of acres of land while the town is known for its apple product. The Madak Lusht valley in Southern part of the district has also been affected of the high flood in the local river which washed away twenty homes and eleven suspension bridges. The three hundred houses of Susoom village of Karimabad valley in Lotkoh area are threatened by land slide. Former district naib nazim Sultan Shah told chitraltimes.com on telephone that the hillock above the village is gradually heading towards the village which has been accelerated with the torrential rains. Meanwhile, the vehicular traffic between upper and lower parts of Chitral has been severed due to the high flood in Zait village.

30 Ιουλίου 2010

Breaking News:Climatic Catastrophe- Kalash Valley destroyed by Glacial Flooding.

199 die in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa rains, floods.(new)

A massive glacier in the pastures of Kalash Valleys at the elevation of 5000m has been erupted due to the recent rains and has flooded the Kalash valley of mumuret.The shape  of scenic mumuret valley has changed due to this enormous and powerful flood that uprooted most of the timber forests on its way to the valley.The rain water further caused its own streams from the mountains which added to the vilocity of the flood. It is reported as of now that most the land  for cultivation and houses in the main land have been swept away. There are no human casualities reported but the livelihood of the indigenous kalasha people has been severly damaged.The ready crops of wheat- barely and fruit trees mainly walnuts along with precious livestolk and domestic animals have got destroyed.
(Individuals and Organizations intersted to send releif and humanitarian assistance can directly write to us) Kalasha Peoples Call for Cultural Survival 

Σχετικές ειδήσεις:
Torrential Rains devastates many villages in Chitral
Torrential rains and flood enter the second day

199 die in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa rains, floods

07 Ιουνίου 2010

Ειδήσεις από τις κοιλάδες των Καλάς.

 Μια που μας στεναχώρησε...
Japanese Kei Fasagawa's Kalasha spouse passes away
By Zahiruddin
CHITRAL: The cruel clutches of death drove a wedge between the two loving birds in Kalash valley of Rumbur who had tied the knot in January last, Kalash social worker Gambur told chitraltimes.com here on Sunday. He said that a Kalash girl Rajina,16, had eloped with a Japanese boy Kei Fasagawa aged 25 on 18th January last and entered into matrimonial relations as the father of the girl had vehemently opposed the marriage repeatedly for the last four years. Soon after the marriage, the boy had gone to Japan to return last month but found her love suffering from a mysterious illness. Mr. Gamburi said that the Japanese removed her to Islamabad for treatment but to no avail as she left her lover all alone to mourn her death on Saturday in a hospital. Her dead body has been taken to her native valley where her death rituals will be performed according to the Kalash traditions and ways. People from all the three valleys are gathering in Rumbur to participate in the rituals which include dancing and singing around the dead body paying rich homage to the deceased. The Kalash leader recalled that only three months ago, the residents of the valley had celebrated the marriage ceremony with great pomp and show as the Japanese had spent a large sum of money to give them a sumptuous feast. He regretted the separation of death did not give the couple a month to celebrate the chilim jusht festival which commences from the second week of May. He said that during the festival the lovers renew their pledge and the couple were eagerly waiting and preparing for the festival. Nicknamed as Museebat (trouble) The Japanese bride had converted to Kalash for the sake of his love and was enthusiastically performing the Kalash rituals.

Σχετικό θέμα: Γιαπωνέζος κουρέας έκανε απαγωγή μιας Καλάσσα!Που είσαι Θανάση!!!


 Και μια καλή...
Kalasha people introduces a large number of Home guest houses

By Zahiruddin
CHITRAL: Kalash people have grown clever enough to discover new avenues to augment their income and the latest one is the introduction of guest house system in their homes for the tourists, a Japanese couple told chitraltimes.com who had earlier visited the Kalash valleys in 1980s. They said that they had faced a suitable accommodation problem that time but now they found a network of small guest houses offering a decent place to live where they felt at comfort and really enjoyed the visit. �It provided us with an opportunity to peer the unique life-style of the primitive people�, they said. Regarding the new idea of guest houses, the Kalash people said that it was basically a part of Regional Women Empowerment Project (RWEP) of economic empowerment of women project of Aga Khan Rural Support Programme. Looking for different means of earning livelihood for the women folk in the valleys, it discovered the idea of introducing small guest houses to generate additional income, they said. RWEP provided training to the women on how to use their additional rooms as guest houses for the tourists and manage it, they said and added that the idea worked well and the people added or renovated a room or two for the guests with basic necessities. Mostly couples and families opt for such types of accommodation in the valleys where they cook food for themselves and enjoy an environment which the hotels cannot offer. Akbari Khan Kalash of Rumbur valley said that his life standard has raised due to the additional income accrue from the one-room guest house attached his home. He said that he had no source of income other than subsistence farming. The Kalash people said that they feel pleasure to host the tourist couples and families as paying guests. Regarding the rate of fares, they said that there was no hard and fast rate fixed but it is placed at the wish of the guest. The Kalash people demanded that credit must be made available to those who did not afford to raise additional rooms and make necessary settings for guest house as some of them suffered abject poverty.

14 Απριλίου 2010

Στο Μέγαρο Μαξίμου ο Θανάσης Λερούνης.

Τον Θανάση Λερούνη, τον Έλληνα εκπαιδευτικό που πέρασε επτά μήνες αιχμάλωτος των Ταλιμπάν, δέχτηκε το μεσημέρι ο πρωθυπουργός.
Ο Θ. Λερούνης ευχαρίστησε τον Γιώργο Παπανδρέου για το ενδιαφέρον που επέδειξε, λέγοντας πως "δεν μας έχουν συνηθίσει οι πολιτικοί σε τέτοιες ευαισθησίες". Παρών στη συνάντηση ήταν ο πρέσβυς Δημήτρης Δόλλης, ο οποίος συντόνισε τις ενέργειες της κυβέρνησης για την απελευθέρωση του εκπαιδευτικού.

10 Απριλίου 2010


Εμφανώς συγκινημένος και ανακουφισμένος για την λήξη της 7μηνες περιπέτειάς του εμφανίστηκε κατά την άφιξή του στο αεροδρόμιο «Ελευθέριος Βενιζέλος«, ο Θανάσης Λερούνης, ο οποίος ευχαρίστησε όλους όσους βοήθησαν, λέγοντας χαρακτηριστικά «είμαι πολύ χαρούμενος που πατάω ελληνικό έδαφος μετά από μήνες».

«Ενα μεγάλο συγγνώμη για την αναστάτωση και ένα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ στους ανθρώπους στο Πακιστάν, στην ελληνική κυβέρνηση και στο προσωπικό ενδιαφέρον του πρωθυπουργού, που έδρασε ως άνθρωπος και όχι ως πολιτικός», πρόσθεσε.
Ο κ. Λερούνης ευχαρίστησε επίσης τον κ. Δόλη, ειδικό απεσταλμένο του πρωθυπουργού, πρέσβη εκ προσωπικοτήτων και τον Ελληνα πρέσβη στο Ισλαμαμπάντ κ. Μαυροειδή, οι οποίοι τον συνόδευσαν με την πτήση 472 του Κατάρ. Ευχαρίστησε ακόμη τους Ελληνες πολίτες που συμπαραστάθηκαν στο πρόβλημά του.
Ο κ. Δόλης δήλωσε ότι «κανένα αντάλλαγμα δεν εδόθη στους Ταλιμπάν. Είναι μια μεγάλη επιτυχία της ελληνικής κυβέρνησης, της ελληνικής διπλωματίας, του έθνους. Ο κ. Λερούνης είναι ένα παράδειγμα αντοχής, είναι ένα παράδειγμα ανθρώπου που έζησε επτά μήνες σε δύσκολες συνθήκες ζωής».
Σε ερώτηση για το εάν θα επέστρεφε στη φυλή των Καλάς, ο κ. Λερούνης απάντησε ότι «με την υποστήριξη της ελληνικής και της πακιστανικής κυβέρνησης κάποια στιγμή θα ήθελα να επιστρέψω και να συνεχίσω το έργο».

08 Απριλίου 2010

Καταθέτει ο Θανάσης Λερούνης,αφού...ξυρίστηκε!Θα είναι ελεύθερος να βοηθά τους Καλάς!!!

Περπατώντας όλη τη νύχτα στα κακοτράχαλα βουνά του Ινδικού Καυκάσου,έφτασε τα ξημερώματα χτες στο Τσιτράλ(Κέντρον)...Αγωνιά να αγκαλιάσει τους αγαπημένους του Καλάσα...που πετάνε από τη χαρά τους!!!!Ο Θανάσης ο ΕΛΛΗΝΑΣ ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ...
Αντιλαμβάνεστε συνέλληνες την ευθύνη που έχετε,όλοι εσείς που αισθάνεστε...ΕΘΝΙΚΟΙ...!!!Ο Θανάσης επιτελεί ένα ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟ έργο,εκεί στα ακρώτατα σύνορα της πάλαι ποτέ Ελληνικής Αυτοκρατορίας!!!Αυτός ΕΙΝΑΙ σήμερα,ο πιο ΜΕΓΑΛΟΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΑΣ...Γιατί ποιός άλλος θα άφηνε την καλοπέρασή του,στα σαλόνια και στους καναπέδες της 'ράθυμης Ελλάδας,για να βρίσκεται νύχτα και ημέρα δίπλα στους απόγονους εκείνων που μαζί με τον ΜΕΓΑ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟ,περπατώντας έφτασαν  στις άγριες ράχες του Ινδικού Καυκάσου!Αυτούς που μέχρι σήμερα κρατούν άσβεστη τη φλόγα της ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΕΘΝΙΚΗΣ ΘΡΗΣΚΕΙΑΣ,εκεί στις χαράδρες,μακρυά από τα γαμψά νύχια των μαύρων κορακιών!Αυτούς που αντιστέκονται,έστω κι αν έχουν μείνει λίγοι,στη λαίλαπα του Αβρααμογενούς Ισλάμ!Υποψιάζεστε τι μπορεί να έγινε,τόσον καιρό που ο Θανάσης ήταν σε καθημερινή επαφή με τους Ισλαμιστές Ταλιμπάν;Για να φτάσει ο αρχηγός τους να γίνει φίλος με τον Θανάση;Σίγουρα,ο Θανάσης του δίδαξε Ιστορία!Και ίσως να κατάφερε να του αποδείξει ότι και εκείνος είναι απόγονος κάποιου Έλληνα στρατιώτη του Αλέξανδρου!!!!
Ευτυχώς που οι Ταλιμπάν είναι Ισλαμιστές!!!Γιατί αν ήταν χριστιανοί,σίγουρα θα τον είχαν ρινοτομίσει,θα του είχαν κόψει τα αυτιά,τη γλώσσα,και θα τον είχαν βάλει μέσα σε σακί με φίδια(βυζαντινά βασανιστήρια)...γιατί είναι ...Greek national .....Ευτυχώς!!! 
Greek volunteer Athunasius produced before court
By Zahiruddin
CHITRAL: The Greek national Athunasius was produced before a local court after his release from the clutches of Afghan Taliban here on Thursday where his recorded his statement. District coordination officer Rahmatullah Wazir told chitraltimes.com that the Greek was released without any condition with the help of the local elites of Bumburate who traveled to Nooristan a number of times to negotiate his captors. He said that the Greek national walked on feet for several hours on Wednesday to enter the Arsoon village of Chitral and he reached Chitral in the late hours of night. Regarding his health condition, he said that he was all right and enjoyed basic facilities and a certain degree of freedom of movement there. He claimed that all this had been managed by the efforts of district administration. Mr. Wazir said that the area of Nooristan is totally dependent on Chitral district for the basic necessities and healthcare and Taliban had no option but set him free unconditionally. He recalled that at first, the Taliban leaders had two million dollars as ransom and release of three Taliban commanders from the prisons of Pakistan but later they had to quit it. Some sources said that in lieu of his release, Commander Rahmatud Din has been released but denied by the DCO. To a question, he said that Mr. Athunasius will face no hindrance from the government to carry on his projects of public welfare in the Kalash valleys. The Greek national reportedly shaved his long Taliban-brand beard soon after reaching Chitral which he had grown during his captivity and wore the older look when brought to the kutchery. He had been kidnapped from his residence in Bumburate in the night of September 8 last and was taken to the adjacent village Nooristan of Afghanistan by the Taliban. The Greek national was engaged in development of Kalash valleys in the sectors of education, health and water supply and sanitation for the last fifteen years. Meanwhile, the Kalash community swung into merry-making after the release of Athunasius. Katar Khan, a Kalash leader said that for the Kalash people it was really a day to rejoice because they loved the Greek national who cared for their welfare. He said that they will take him to the valley in procession. It may be recalled that the Kalash people had threatened the government to mass migration from the valleys if it failed to seek the safe release of Athunasius.



 Ο Θανάσης ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟΣ!!!!!!
Greek Volunteer Athanasis Leorners released safly
From our Correspondent
CHITRAL: A Greek Engineer and volunteer of Greek NGO �Greek Volunteers� Mr. Athanasis Leoraneos who was kidnapped by Afghan Taliban seven months ago was released by them and handed over to Pakistani Officials on the Pak Afghan boarder Ursoon late Thursday night.
The Greek engineer was kidnapped 6 September 2009. The Afghan Taliban were demanding to release Taliban Leader Commander Rehmat uddin Nooristani, Ustad Yasir and Ubaidullah Akhond beside ransom money of 2 million US dollars. During the Last Seven months talks took place with Taliban. The Greek Engineer after release from the Taliban custody has arrived at Chitral. His health Condition is stated to be normal. Source told that Pakistani Government has released the Taliban leader Rehmatud Din Nooristani in favour of Greek Engineer. Source told that Greek Engineer will be handover to Greek Embassy in Pakistan and then will be send to Greek.

 Αφγανοί ταλιμπάν απελευθέρωσαν τον Αθανάσιο Λερούνη οκτώ μήνες μετά την απαγωγή του στην περιοχή Τσιτράλ του βορείου Πακιστάν κοντά στη μεθόριο με το Αφγανιστάν, ανακοίνωσε σήμερα πακιστανός αξιωματούχος. Ο Αθανάσιος Λερούνης, πρόεδρος των Ελλήνων Εθελοντών, είχε απαχθεί, και ο σωματοφύλακάς του είχε πυροβοληθεί θανάσιμα, έξω από το μουσείο του στην απομακρυσμένη κοιλάδα των Καλάς τον περασμένο Σεπτέμβριο.

Εργαζόταν σε πολιτιστικό πρόγραμμα στην περιοχή από το 2001. Ο πακιστανός κυβερνητικός αξιωματούχος Ρεχματουλάχ Ουαζίρ στο Τσιτράλ δήλωσε στο πρακτορείο Ρόιτερ ότι οι ταλιμπάν απελευθέρωσαν τον Αθανάσιο Λερούνη στην επαρχία Νουριστάν του Αφγανιστάν και πακιστανοί αξιωματούχοι τον μετέφεραν στο Τσιτράλ χθες τη νύκτα. "Είναι εδώ. Φαίνεται μια χαρά. Είναι υγιής", δήλωσε ο πακιστανός αξιωματούχος, διευκρινίζοντας ότι δεν καταβλήθηκαν λύτρα. "Είχαν διάφορα αιτήματα, αλλά δεν τα αποδεχθήκαμε και καταφέραμε να εξασφαλίσουμε την απελευθέρωσή του μέσω διαπραγματεύσεων και ...πίεσης", είπε ο Ουαζίρ.


12 Φεβρουαρίου 2010

"Thoron" Ένα βιβλίο με δημοτικά τραγούδια του CHITRAL(Κέντρου) του Πακιστάν...

 "Με θωρείς που σε θωρώ;"..."τι με θωρείς ακίνητος"..."Θωρώ"...
Περίεργα η λέξη μοιάζει να προέρχεται από την ελληνική γλώσσα...!Αλλά γιατί να είναι περίεργο,όταν...
(Ο δεύτερος μεγάλος πυρήνας ελληνικού πολιτισμού ήταν η Βακτριανή η οποία ονομαζόταν σε κάποια περίοδο Νέα Ελλάς, σύμφωνα με μελέτες των ειδικών (Μιχάλης Ισιγόνης, Brandon University, Canada). Εδώ αναπτύχθηκαν τα Ελληνο-βακτριανά βασίλεια με 40 Έλληνες βασιλείς των οποίων βρέθηκαν τόνοι αριστουργηματικών νομισμάτων τα οποία μαρτυρούν την ελληνική πολιτιστική ταυτότητα, τον υψηλό πολιτισμό, τον μεγάλο πλούτο και την επιρροή στους πολιτισμούς των λαών της περιοχής , όπως μας το ανέπτυξε ο Prof. Osmund Bopearachchi.
Εδώ ήταν οι Αλεξάνδρειες του Καυκάσου, της Αρίας (σημερινή Χεράτ), της Αραχωσίας (σημερινή Κανταχάρ), πόλεις θρυλικές που όμως δεν έχουν ανασκαφεί ή κείτονται κάτω από στρώματα άλλων μεταγενεστέρων.)Δείτε όλο αυτό το άρθρο...εδώ
Book of Folk songs "Thoron" launched
From Our Correspondent

CHITRAL: A book containing folk songs of Chitral was launched here on Tuesday published by Anjuman-e-Taraqi-Khowar Chitral. Col � Sardar Muhammad Khan was chief guest while Engineer Sardar Ayub, regional Manager AKRSP presided over the launching ceremony. Speaking on the occasion they termed the book �Thoron� cultural asset of the area. They appreciated the contribution of noted poet and writer Gul Nawaz Khaki who has documented more then sixty folk songs of the area. Sardar Ayub pledged to extend full support to Anjuman-e-Taraqi-Khowar Chitral in its publication projects. The author of the book Gul Nawaz Khaki in his speech said that it was his long dream to document cultural old songs of Chitral. He said that the book is a result of his 10 years research work. Speaking on the occasion President Anjuman-e-Taraqi-Khowar Chitral Mr. Yousuf Shahzad thanked the Aga Khan cultural service for Pakistan for providing financial support for the publication of the book. He said that a collection of poems of late Rehmat Akbar Khan Rehmat is in the process of Publication while Khowar Qaida duly compiled has been sent to lok versa Islamaabad for printing. He further said that a number of collections of poets are ready for publication.

Διαμαρτυρία των Καλάς προς την κυβέρνηση του Πακιστάν για την πλήρη εγκατάλειψη της μειονότητας.

Και εδώ;Σε λίγο οι λαθρομετανάστες Πακιστανοί θα γίνουν..."έλληνες"...!
Kalash elites criticize minorities Minister
By Zahiruddin
CHITRAL: The Kalash elites from Bumburate and Rumbur valleys have demanded of the federal minister of minorities to abandon its policy of ignoring the Kalash valleys which need development funds for providing basic infrastructures of roads, drinking water, education and health. Talking to chitraltimes.com here on Monday, the Kalash leaders Katar Singh, Saiful Jan and Wazirzada Kalash said that although Kalash valleys are known for their tourism importance but no substantial amount of development work has ever been carried out in the valleys. They said that the people known for their primitive culture and ways of life are suffering from abject poverty and are eking out for their sustenance as poverty reigns supreme in the valley. Expressing their deep anguish over the indifference of the incumbent minister of minorities, they said that not a single penny has been spent for the amelioration of the people of Kalash valleys during the past two years. They asked the minister to pay heed to the plight of the Kalash people and change their destiny for better. Remembering the former minority MNA M.P. Bhandara, they said that he had rendered commendable services for the valleys and the people of the valleys held him in reverence even now. They regretted that many schemes initiated by the whilom parliamentarian are still incomplete in the sectors of communication, drinking water and education.. The Kalash elders proposed special initiatives for the promotion of tourism in the valleys which, they said, will provide employment opportunities to thousands of people in the valleys ultimately reducing poverty. Prioritizing the issues of the valleys, they mentioned all-weather road to the valleys and said that no road projects to the valleys have even launched in the three segregated valleys which pass through mountains and remain blocked after slight raining. They said that to exploit the fabulous tourism potential of the valleys, the roads must be given first priority.

Δείτε και μια συνέντευξη σχετική για τους λάθρο-μετανάστες...εδώ...

13 Ιανουαρίου 2010

Αθανάσιος Λερούνης.Με γένεια και...καλάσνικοφ!!!Έχει γίνει φίλος με τους απαγωγείς του!

-"Θανάση...πάρε το όπλο σου"...!!!
Ευτυχώς ο Θανάσης Λερούνης έχει καταφέρει να γίνει...φίλος με τους ταλιμπάν!
Καλά κάνει βέβαια ο άνθρωπος!Πως αλλιώς θα την έβγαζε καθαρή!

Taliban treats as guest with Greek kidnapped volunteer

By Zahiruddin

CHITRAL: The Greek national Athunasius kidnapped from the Kalash valley of Bumburate is said be in good health and has grown a beard wearing a Taliban look. A member of the delegation which had visited Nooristan to seek his release from the Afghan Taliban told chitraltimes.com that the Greek national was found in good mood and that his captors are treating him as their �respected� guest and take care of him. He said that the delegation members were freely allowed to have a number of meetings with him even in isolation. He was also allowed to pose for group photo with the delegation brandish a klashnikov in his hand (chitraltimes.com was provided with few photograph exclusively). He narrated that during their long stay in the Nooristan area, they were served meal by their Taliban hosts in the presence of Athunasias who also joined them. They observed that the abducted Greek has cultivated a close intimacy with his captors. Led by former union council nazim of Ayun Abdul Majeed Qureshi, the delegation consisted of Wazirzada Kalash, Musa Khan and Qari Khairatullah. Sources said that the delegation led by former nazim of union council Ayun Abdul Majeed stayed for eight days in Nooristan and held meetings with the Nooristan governor Mulla Dost Muhammad and Taliban commander Haji Usman Muttaqi. The Taliban leadership reportedly reiterated their demand of release of three of their commanders from the captivity in Pakistan in lieu of the release of the Greek national. Earlier they had dropped their demand of two million US dollars as ransoms which also formed one of the two conditions for the Greek volunteer who had been picked from the valley in September last. The delegation is said to have conveyed the result of their meeting with the Taliban leadership in Nooristan, and they hopeful that the matter will be resolve soon.


10 Ιανουαρίου 2010

Ο Θανάσης Λερούνης σε πρόσφατη φωτογραφία!Υπάρχουν ελπίδες για απελευθέρωσή του!...


Chitraltimes.com has got fresh images of kidnapped Greek Volunteer

From our Correspondent

CHITRAL: A four member delegation from Chitral headed by former Union Nazim Ayun Abdul Majeed returned from Afghanistan after holding talk with Taliban commanders to release the kidnapped Greek volunteer Engineer Athunasias Leurner. The delegation member Wazir Zada Kalash said while talking to chitraltimes.com that talk held in a cordial atmosphere with taliban leaders and it was move friendly then before. The kidnapped Greek volunteer has kept bear and look like a local Taliban. However, he is happy and healthy and has been kept in an open place. The Taliban have already withdrawn their demand of Rs.20 Million for the release of the Greek national. According to a source the Government of Pakistan is ready to release one Taliban leader Qari Rehmat Ullah for the release of the Greek volunteer. But Taliban insist to release two of their other fellows. The delegation is hopeful that the Greek volunteer will be freed soon and hectic negotiations are going on in this regards. It is pertinent to mention here that Greek volunteer was kidnapped in Sep 2009 by unknown masked men from Kalash valley Bumburate. The administration of chitraltimes.com has got fresh and first  images of the Greek volunteer Athunasias after his kidnapped.

Δεν έχει καμιά σημασία αν γράφτηκε το όνομά του λάθος...Σημασία έχει ότι είναι καλά!
 Δείτε και σε άλλες φωτογραφίες το Θανάση με...όπλο και σε μια παλιά με κάμερα...

09 Ιανουαρίου 2010

Γιαπωνέζος κουρέας έκανε απαγωγή μιας Καλάσσα!Που είσαι Θανάση!!!

 Ο Γιαπωνέζος τα κατάφερε!Κάθε χρόνο πήγαινε στους Καλάσσα,έμαθε τη γλώσσα και ώ του θαύματος...ερωτεύτηκε!Πήγαινε για...μαλλί(τους κούρευε) και βγήκε...κουρεμένος!!!
Τέλος καλό,όλα καλά για το φίλο μας τον Γιαπωνέζο!!!
Περιμένουμε να ακούσουμε και για τον Θανάση ένα καλό τέλος στην περιπέτειά του...
Πάντως αυτά έχει η...πολυπολιτισμικότητα!

CHITRAL: A Japani national finally succeeded to entice a teen aged Kalash girl to elope with him for marriage after a hot struggle of more than two years as her parents were not ready to accept him as son-in-law. Sources in the Kalash valley of Rumbur told chitraltimes.com that the Japani visits comes to the Kalash valleys every year since 2006 in the spring season on the occasion of Chilim Jusht and stays in Rumbur valley. Two years ago he proposed a Kalash girl Rajina (16 years of age) but met a stiff opposition of her father. They said that his repeated arrival to the valley was aimed to knot the tie with the Kalash girl. The Japani boy Kei Fasagawa aged 25 years is said to be hair cutter by profession and was adopted as son by a notable Kalash leader Saifullah Jan of Rumbur valley. The sources added that when all the efforts of persuading Rajna�s father ended in failure, he allegedly took to ruse and managed to win over her with the help of his friends as due to his long stay in the valley, he has gained much intimacy with the youth folk. The other week, the sources said, the girl eloped with the Japani and entered into matrimonial relations. The father of the girl reacted strongly when the news was broken to him but was persuaded to accept it on the intervention of the Kalash elites of the valley including Saifullah Jan. it is pertinent to note that the elopement of unmarried girl with a boy is more abhorred than the married one and such was the case with Rajina. The father got a petty sum of 105000 rupees for his positive nod about the marriage. The rest of the ceremonies of the marriage were carried out according to the Kalash norms and culture. The Japani served the Kalash community of the valley with a sumptuous feast and offered the traditional dish jooshi for which he slaughtered as many as fifteen goats. It is said that the Japani will spend the winter season in the valley with his newly wedded wife and is happily ready to face the extremely tough weather of the valley. Mr. Kei Fasagawa can speak Kalashwar fluently and offers his services of cutting the hairs of his friends in the valley. A resident of the valley Tash Khan said that the real name of the Japani is known to very few as he is nicknamed as museebat (trouble). He expressed his failure to explain of giving such bizarre nickname to the Japani. The couple will wait for two years as Rajina is underage and can not get a national identity card and hence a passport, the sources said.