Disclosure Announcements and NESARA The Big Picture
Disclosure Announcements and NESARA The Big Picture by Elizabeth Trutwin, March 11, 2013
I would like to introduce myself. I have written a dozen books about the Ancient Astronauts. The focus of these is to show where it is written in Ancient Texts that we are a Galactic Society. Looking at The Ramayana, Tao Te Ching, The Book of Enoch, The Upanishads, The Pistis Sophia, The Mazzaroth, The Masnavi, The Emerald Tablets, The Jatakas, Rambans» Pentateuch and the Corpus Hermeticum we may see how in every religion, every culture and every aeon going back millions of years, Earth was inhabited by our Ancient Galactic Ancestors. I wrote these books to help our society as a collective to drop our insecurities. Knowing this truth makes us free from all bondage of life, free from death. Once this is understood One will no longer identify with duality and all those conditioning which makes you so unhappy. You have come to Earth from another Planet or another Dimension. The Consciousness of which you have Within. We have been visited by Extraterrestrials for a very long time.
Three years ago I gave up full time work and a regular paycheck to dedicate my life to The Truth and Advocacy Movement for Disclosure. I wrote two other books. Lord Ashtar and The Galactic Federation and StarGate Earth. There is an Extraterrestrial Presence engaging the human race. There are Extraterrestrials here. The only thing we haven»t resolved yet is the government telling us that. Disclosure ends the Truth Embargo on this matter. The last time there was a Citizens Hearing on Disclosure was 1968. The United States Military, Civilian Agencies like NASA, Intelligence like the CIA and other governments have witnesses to Contact and it is time we Self-Disclose the truth.
Some people have been deliberately holding back the information from the public. National Security Classifications and Non-Disclosure Agreements have stood in the way. All the witnesses have made their own decision that this vital information will educate the Whole to understand We Are Not Alone.
There is a lot in this Universe we know nothing about. There are hundreds of billions of Planets in our Galaxy and hundreds of billions of Galaxies in our Universe with many potential Earths. The chances that we are the only life out there is zero. Self-Disclosure means that within the social contract between government elected officials and the people of the country who they represent that they carry out the laws of their country with transparency acknowledging to the people the truth. When elected officials refuse to conduct matters of governance reporting their activities to those they represent chaos prevails. We can no longer accept hiding the truth. Without it there is no freedom. This is more than an intellectual matter. This is a spiritual matter.
Ten years ago I became a walk-in. I was not born into this body. How it happens usually is through a severe accident or significant illness causing hospitalization. In my case I had a massive head injury. During the three days I lie unconscious was a Soul exchange. The One who left then was in a violent marriage and had she not left she would have been killed. These agreements are made far ahead between the souls involved with the intention of the Highest Good for all involved. Within 8 weeks of walking in I was divorced and alone raising three small children. I came in with my Adept abilities and memories. There are about 100 million walk-ins on Earth now who have come to be embodied Souls with Higher Knowledge to help the Galactic Citizens of Earth reclaim their freedom, their sovereignty from the few who wish to control them with lack of jobs, lack of housing, lack of money starvation and world war. It has to be done by Earth Citizens and there are many Angels, Ascended Masters and Galactics living as your neighbors, working beside you guiding you for this next step in evolution.
I began doing healings for folks. Women came to me with serious emotional and physical issues. I started to see a number of women - we only communicated through email. I did sessions for them and I was able to see the abductions, the implantation and the pregnancies. They had no memory of it. Arcturus came and he explained everything to me. I would get small and go inside the body and come back with great detail. Tom the Cat and Michael always came with me too and once I asked to see the children of this one woman. A boy and a girl. I could see that some of the childrens» bodies were not strong and they did not mature to adulthood. I was taken to a Colony where - for lack of a better term, forgive me, half-breeds were forced to live because they were not welcomed by their own people. I saw they live happy lives in this place. I started to understand the tragedy. I told these women straight up that I could see they were from the Group doing the Abductions and they had agreed to the whole thing to help heal the Planet. Since then Men have come too and I have heard the elaborate tales and I know of the despair held in these Souls. I have talked to one involved from the other side.
Arcturus took me back to the moment of many many surgeries and the experiments and he gave me lengthy explanations and it was beyond description. I can remember every detail. I have worked in our Countries largest teaching hospitals alongside famous doctors. I saw a lot in those years - was on the front line. I have seen a lot of suffering.
When I wrote StarGate Earth I was given a photo to use in the book from KOS.
I got a panicked email from a reverse engineer saying he had reported me to NSA for disclosing this information (he thought it was going to come back on him) He said he had run the photo through some kind of spectral analysis (no idea what he said - some special tests) and he said »I figured out it is not one of mine». I wrote back indignantly »I know its not one of yours, because its One Of MINE!» Then I told him I was working under the orders of KOS in this case and assured him I had been asked to comment on it. He understood that. They use me to put out info because I can handle the repercussions.
One day I sat down to read the Mahabharata. Naturally I was Guided to a passage. I read about the God Agni who was facing the dark Hats in a battle in the forest. It actually said that Agni held up his hands out of which burned a fire and the fire melted all the bad guys and burned so hot it melted the forest down. I had an aha moment and said THAT WAS ASHTAR! They said Yes!!! Ashtar»s Avatar form is the God Agni. This is crossed referenced in Blavatsky»s work. As Agni in the Hierarchy of the Family names in the line of Rhagu»s Race ~ same as Lord Rama, son of Dasharatha he is of the Holy Kumaras who are the first sons of Brahma ~ Sananda, Sanat (Ancient of Days, Ahura Mazda) Sanatana (Lord Michael) Sanaka (St Germain) as the family names unfold these Ones become Avatar forms down the lineage and we see how the Goodly Company incarnated again and again through the ages to help Humanity. That is what I am doing here now. Time is speeded up and I didn»t need a whole lifetime to get the work done.
Ashtar in the Mahabharata. One day in 2006 Ashtar stood at the foot of my bed and said he would like to train me - Lord Arcturus was with him. They asked me if I would like to train with them. That story got back to who I call Rama Arjuna and that is how I began my mentoring with him.
Ashtar was using a weapon called the Violet Flame. You have heard about this from the I Am Discourses and St Germain»s work.
The Violet Flame when used through the hand chakras is a kind of martial arts weapon for the Dragons. They cannot sustain that energy. It works kinda like a beam weapon and they have misfirings in the qrs wave and they look like they are having a heart attack. Its the Dragons that come here. There are many other ways they have tried to disturb me but the Paschats are unseen and always there to help me. Ashtar taught me what to do with my energy centers to use the Violet Flame this way. With that I push the envelop with the information and put myself in the position to help whenever I can.
When we look at the Ancient Texts with new eyes we see all of it is about the Ashtar Command, the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Realm. Michael and Metatron are in the Judeo-Christian writings and we know them in the Vedanta as Indra and Narada. When we compare and contrast the lives of these Ones and realize it is the Angels having human lives everything makes sense.
See, back in Akhenaton/Moses time Serapis Bey had incarnated as Amenhotep III Father of Akhenaton to undo the dark hats from the Amun Priesthood. They are the same Dragons then as they are now. Adept intergalactic travelers. Sananda incarnated then as King Tut. Grandfather, Father & Son assisted by Serapis Bey the keeper of the light codes of the Earth Grid under the Sphinx. Something went very wrong then - egos got in the way and the Plan for Earth ascension failed. Sananda came back as Jesus and Cesar and his Dragon friends still control us today under maritime law. The Law of the Land. Those Plans failed and the Ashtar Command had doubts Earth would recover. Here we are now. This time the Plan worked and we are in the final days walking out the history for the Ages - a big part of that will happen at the Press Club.
The Servant is Sananda (KOS) Admiral of the New Jerusalem. His Servants are the White Knights. I support the White Knights in their very difficult role. It is my job to go nose to nose with those in the highest positions to be certain they are carrying out their role with integrity and at the same time fall under their orders and help them in any way they ask. I am doing that right now sending on a note.
Right now there is a whole other world you are not aware of in your wildest dreams. You think you know a thing or two about so called conspiracies but truly, you know nothing! The United States government in cooperation with other governments have fleets of extraterrestrial technologies far advanced of what you have ever seen. They explore deep space, other planets and stars and make profits for their backers. I will be discussing these things in depth on my radio program.
There are many realities within our Multidimensional Universe. Earth exists in many Dimensions simultaneously, as do you. There is the illusion of the United States Congress filibustering a law they created. There is the illusion of the bankers paying themselves million dollar per year salaries while they watch their fellow citizen»s children starving in the streets. There is the illusion of ancient lands kept alive in the aboriginal parts of Earth now. Just like the tidal pool, the forest, the jungle, the dessert and all the tiny forms of life on Planet Earth there are millions of worlds you live with on this Planet that you know nothing about.
The thirteen families who in the past controlled the wealth of the world have had incarnate into their families for the last several thousand generations Dragons. The paintings you so of dragons doing battle are not some mythical creature. They are here today. They are the avatar form of humans alive today. These humans time travel. Not with a machine. They are Adepts and they time travel within their Mer Ka Bah bodies. This is how they control the collective and they keep everyone in slavery. They are waking up now and struggling with the idea of love and forgiveness. We have an obligation to help them by Being Love and Being Forgiveness.
The vast majority of Dragons living in human bodies on Earth are doing everything in their power in Congress, in NASA, in the CIA, in the Banks and on Wall Street to make money in operations traveling to far flung places in space bringing back payloads that would blow your mind. St. Germain has spoken to each last one individually and convinced some 105 to give away half of their billions to compensate for all they have stolen from you. See givingpledge.org to read the perp sheet. Joining this small club has in some way served as a bargaining chip when the judgments are handed out. Love them more.
After a long struggle in the courts all the way to the Supreme Court the Black Farmers case was settled. When this happened it was determined that in order for the awards of the case to be properly paid a new law would need to be signed and enacted. This law is called N.E.S.A.R.A. The National Economic Security and Reformation Act. This act was signed into law by Bill Clinton in October of 2000. The law will be enacted when it is publicly announced. It cannot be enacted until we have Disclosure. I cannot be and it will not be. This is a spiritual matter.
We have one chance to act as Earth Citizens and demand the United States government including the bought and sold Supreme Court Justices, All members of the Senate and House of Representatives and the President reveal to us their activities in Space with Galactic representatives from other Planets and other Stars. It is much much larger than you have ever dreamed. On April 29th through May 3rd at the National Press Club, 2 blocks from the White House in Washington D.C. witnesses from Civilian, Intelligence and Military agencies from the Unites States and government officials from other countries will testify before a panel made up of retired Congress. The event is being produced by Paradigm Research Group and Stephen Bassett. This will effectively end the Truth Embargo, however we the people demand a World Peace Treaty be signed and President Obama Announce Disclosure to the World and Enact NESARA. Your duty in this is to watch the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure (CHD) Livestream All Week or come to the National Press Club free of charge and be an eyewitness to Disclosure. There is no charge. Seats are first come. Be there and the media will no longer be accessories to the crime of withholding the truth. Your presence demands they come clean. Many of them will go the way of the perp walk. Some will write articles and talk about CHD on the radio, on the internet and on broadcast news. Encourage them to do so.
When I was working on promoting the NESARA Petition I received an email from James Cameron seeking me out. He said he would help attain the last signatures needed to complete the We The People petition for NESARA. He said he would ask some of his friends to help me. I received emails from some of his friends enthusiastic to help. I sent them one sentence I needed to have it tweeted. I wanted it dropped into Facebook. I sent an article with a link to be posted into blogs. All who emailed me declined to help. They said it violated the media gag order and they could not do that. I violate the gag order everyday. I receive threats often. They cannot gag me and they will not gag you. Post it. Tweet it. FB it. Mark Zuckerberg stole your personal information and traded it to Goldman Sachs for billions in profit. I suggest you use social media to support the White Knights» very difficult Mission. Do you have the brass cajones to see this through? Will you renounce your slavery in this illusionary world and reclaim your sovereign status as a spiritual Galactic Citizen? Will you tell your family and friends? Will you write the media and ask they report on it? Will you be present at the National Press Club on April 29th through May 3rd in person or on livestream to witness the Disclosure? The brightest stars in UFO research, An Apollo Astronaut and the bravest men and women I have ever known will be there. These are the witnesses: Dr. Robert Wood
Dr. Thomas Valone
Geoffrey Torres for Dr. Milton Torres
Daniel Sheehan, JD
Donald R. Schmitt
Col. Oscar Santa-Maria (Peru)
Col. Ariel Sαnchez (Uruguay)
Kevin Randle
Nick Pope (UK)
Jim Penniston
Dr. Edgar Mitchell (Capt. USN ret., NASA)
Mark McCandlish
Dr. Jesse Marcel, Jr.
Antonio Huneeus
Linda Moulton Howe
Gary Heseltine (UK)
Paul Hellyer (Canada)
J. Gevaerd (Brazil)
Stanton Friedman (Canada)
Catherine Austin Fitts
Lt. Col. Richard French (USAF, ret.)
Richard Dolan
Peter Davenport
Dr. Anthony Choy (Peru)
Grant Cameron
John Callahan
Capt. Rodrigo Bravo (Chile)
Stephen Bassett
I am going to do my part. I have re-opened Galactic Roundtable. This is an international social media website where friends gather to break the gag order as a collective to change things. I am asking you to please join and send invites to your email list for your friends to join. Galactic Roundtable when it was open before had over 5000 members in over 180 countries and when we come together there is nothing we cannot accomplish.
On March 11, 2013 I will be joined by a friend and we will hit the airwaves of internet radio. My program is called Galactic roundtable Countdown to Disclosure. Please join me there and we will discuss the Secret Space Program and why Full Galactic Disclosure is THE ISSUE that resolves all other issues such as violence on women, mass starvation and world war. We must have Disclosure or we will never have World Peace. We will also touch on the spiritual aspects of creating the New with love and only love. If you would like me to invite you personally to join please send me an email eltrutwin@gmail.com
I invite you to follow these links. I look forward to seeing you there where we will take up these discussions together. We stand our ground on these issues and ask the media do its part to end the Truth Embargo for all time. Thank you for your selfless service to Earth. This is the end time and you no longer have a choice to wait. Be there all-the-way now. © Elizabeth Trutwin All Rights Reserved.
Disclosure Announcements and NESARA The Big Picture Part 2 by Elizabeth Trutwin, March 17, 2013

Please join my personal email list or send any questions eltrutwin@gmail.com
Greetings Everybody,
We are at a pivot point for Solar, Galactic and Universal Transformation. We have been getting ready for this for billions of years and millions of Earth cycles. This is a natural Planetary evolution. I want to thank you for being here to witness it with me, for listening to your Inner Guide and bringing in through your embodiment on Earth the necessary changes to bring this about.
There is a very precise alignment and balance as Earth locks on to Zero Point within the Holographic hub linking us to the Central Sun and Source Energy at a Higher Dimensional Realm. Before we can connect the shield around Earth of Zero Point we must first clear out all that is blocking us and no longer serving our advancement into the Higher Realms as Earthlings. Illegal Banking Practices, Suspended U.S. Constitution, The Organic Act, The dissolution of the IRS and The Federal Banking System and World Bank, Trials for criminals of High Economic Treason and other War Crimes, Self-Disclosure between our elected officials and their constituents regarding the Secret Space Program which is international are some of the issues which need clearing up. The Earth Ascension has already happened. We are in The Golden Age upon Earth. There will not be any Earth changes which will require us to leave our homes. None.
We are working on the clearing out. Some folks have taken things into their own hands with the Freedom Club, One Peoples Public Trust and Global Settlements. Folks flock to phone calls and mp3 recordings waiting to hear when any of the above will pay out. Many bought Dinars and other Currencies with their inheritances. None of these - NONE will pay out before we eliminate the above maladies of Earth. They will not pay out until we have World Peace. Some may never ever pay out. Understand that as folks gather to take up these issues and tell the fraudulent banks and mortgage underwriters we are not slaves they have indeed changed the system. If you are involved in these activities to solve your money worries you may lose something much greater than money by doing so. If you are involved to change Earths» situation, indeed you have done so. Job well done. Give each other high 5»s and let»s move on? Pursue Higher Goals now.
Should you write papers for the purpose of receiving money you may be putting your energy into the dark side who are tracking those involved in these things. As you connect with your Highest Self then you find Inner Peace and no longer care about following this rabbit hole. When you are in communion with Your Soul instead of your ego - you find your bills are paid, your children are fed and you have internal bliss even though the world is not yet as you desire. NESARA will pay out and you can bank on that. Focus on the Highest Good for all and elevate your thoughts above base lower animal instincts of just surviving. You are after all A Sovereign Spiritual Being, are you not? You know this, Yes? Show Me! Talk is cheap. Meditate. Contemplate. Abstain from the calls and spend that time outside in nature concentrating on Disclosure and Announcements - the Cosmic Payout, eh? Stargaze and Dream Your Dreams oh Divine Being! Feel that truth?
DNA enhancements. Those of you who have been preparing 40 years and those who have had short but extremely rapid advancements may have already upgraded your DNA to 12 activated strands. These Ones are functioning with their adept abilities. You know who you are. Everybody else can expect the same thing to happen for them within the next few days - less than a month. This will help everybody have greater awareness and you will be able to handle the truth. You will be able to integrate the Higher knowledge into your mind, body and spirit. The unanswered questions will be understood with no effort. It is a Divine Gift and we have been waiting millions of Earth cycles for this. You will see evidence of this which will be undeniable.
We are fully entered into the Photon Belt and moving from the 9th Ring of the western quadrant of the Milky Way Galaxy into the 3rd Ring adjacent to Alcyone in the Pleiades Constellation. This Shift is assisted this March 15th, three days after the March New Moon with an M1 Flare from a Coronal Mass Ejection from our Sun, Sol. This CME is said to hit Earth today, it encompasses all of Earth. It is one of the largest in memory of All That Is. Back on December 21, 2012 a massive energy was released to Earth Planet which was the first wave for Ascension. It dissolves duality consciousness shifting our motives and intentions to The Law of One where we have Peace in Oneness Consciousness as Galactic Citizens.
The second wave of energy which will be greatly stepped up from the 12.21.12 energy will strike Earth on March 27th and it will continue to grow and bathe Earth in Higher Energies from Source for the next three months. During this period we will see Self-Disclosure take place first on Earth Day at the World Premiere of Sirius The Documentary of the pioneering work of Dr. Steven Greer. http://www.sirius.neverendinglight.com/ This film will be released nationwide for all to enjoy. Take Your Kids and Your Mom! Just allow the Ones who do not believe yet to experience this movie in their Souls in the dark theatre. You will no longer need to convince them. You will no longer feel ashamed for believing in UFOs like you need to hide your passion.
One week hence will bring the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure April 26 - May 3rd two blocks from the White House and 12 blocks from Congress. Produced by Paradigm Research Group forty to fifty eyewitnesses will give 30 hours of testimony from Civilian, Government and Military agencies as well as officials from other governments regarding their research and eye witness contact with Extraterrestrials engaging members of our governments. This will effectively end the Truth Embargo which was initiated July 7, 1947 when the U.S. Military played with the radar waves effecting the navigation system of the Zeta Reticulan Ship causing it to crash near Roswell, New Mexico. Since then several Ships have been shot down and at least 8 known ET survivors were kept alive secretly in underground facilities in Nevada in the dessert near Area 51.
A documentary of the Citizens Hearing is being filmed called the Truth Embargo. It will reveal the truths to us which have been hidden too long. http://CitizenHearing.org Many of you write asking what you can do to help. I invite you to follow the suggestions of Stephen Bassett, Executive Director of Paradigm Research Group http://ParadigmResearchGroup.org and Producer of the X Conferences and The Citizen Hearing, to write letters, fax, and email the White House Office of Science and Technology (OSTP) asking for Full Galactic Disclosure http://www.faxonwashington.org/ I urge you to do so. Having Disclosure invokes and opens the way for Announcements and the enactment of NESARA Law. http://galacticroundtable.org/page/nesara This is a spiritual matter. We cannot have NESARA before we have Disclosure.
We cannot bring the remedies until a sequential flow of events unfolds which allows Humanity to see justice for the maladies of Earth FIRST then the remedies FOLLOW. Get on the Disclosure Bandwagon and put away your money concerns. First things first. Give me your attention for about a month when the Disclosure activities are complete we will all turn our focus on NESARA. Please stay tuned. It is extremely important you lend your love light to Disclosure for the next few weeks. Please. You will notice many bloggers still refuse to post on this issue. Please write them and ask them why they are not participating. If you are able as a member please post this on other blogs. Please share this message on the net, with the media, with social media, at home, at work, in the palaces and the parliaments. Write your favorite reporters and your elected officials. The men and women who have watched the White Knights being killed, their close friends, and still did not keep their silence - we all owe them a Soul Debt to Witness their Disclosure to the World. We honor their lifes» work. We reclaim our own Spiritual Freedom by doing so. When we fax OSTP at the White House we tell our government we are ready to handle the truth.
On December 21st Earth aligned with Galactic Center in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Planetary, Solar and Galactic grand cycles aligned with this Black Hole which is a portal to the Anti-Matter Universe. This is what has allowed the trigger of pulses of Energy to effect our very existence on Earth. We now have Higher access the the crystalline intergalactic Cosmic Heart and Mind. We are anchoring in the energies for the Light Cities.
When Disclosure completes we will have Announcements followed closely on its heels. After this we will see the Light Cities appear before us in the Earth Hologram at Zero Point. They are being built as we speak. That is the next Mission for many of the awake and aware. Work in the Light Cities will be abundant as those who still need work on their Ascension will receive healing and education on other things from many of you Lightworkers. This is what you have been waiting for. You no longer need to worry about your family members who are not yet awake to these things. They will go into the Light Cities and receive what they need for Ascension. All who are here now are invited to Ascend. It is a Soul choice. No one will be denied the Mentorship and Knowledge they need to Ascend. Those who choose not to Ascend will leave of their own accord, shifting their physicality to another place. This is why we see so much cancer and others leaving as a group in disasters. If the physical body is weak and unprepared it will not be able to hold the light energy of Ascension and the Physical Body will be dropped while the Light Stream inside moves on to another frequency and a new life somewhere not Earth. Each Soul makes the choice, it is not a judgment by anyone. This process differs for those convicted of War Crimes. Their repayment to the Whole for the atrocities they have been convicted of is different than non criminals. All we have to do is ask and allow our own Inner Divine Guidance.
There are some things I would like to invite you to. I have opened a website which is a social platform with a chat room, shared music and videos and forum. Please become a member there. The more who participate the more fun it is. Please post your blogs here. This is a personal invitation from me to join Galactic roundtable. Please follow this link to sign up Galactic roundtable invite from Beth Please share the link to your FB timeline and to your email list. This is a way we can give Selfless Service by sharing this information together and keep the conversation going. All of my work is Guided by a High Spiritual Being who is having a Spiritual Retreat in April. I will be there and I invite you to join me. Those who choose this Path for Enlightenment should be aware that it is not the easy Path, tho it may be the Fast Path for those willing to do the work. Retreat Link All of my friends will be there with me and I hope you will be too. I invite you to join me one hour a day on internet radio where we will have The Countdown to Disclosure. Each day Monday through Friday 10am PT, 11am MT, 12pm CT, 1pm ET and 5pm GMT for one hour. Tune in at http://BBSradio.com/galacticroundtable We will be featuring a new witness for the Citizen Hearing each day. We will also be examining Sacred Galactic Scripture so we may discover the instructions our Galactic Ancestors left us about our Galactic Citizenry as seen in The Pistis Sophia, The Book of Enoch, The Corpus Hermeticum, The Jatakas, The Masnavi, The Mazzaroth, The Upanishads, The Ramayana, Tao Te Ching, Rambans» Pentateuch and The Emerald Tablets. For more information please see HERE. To join the program live call in on air Toll Free 888-429-5471 US/Canada I invite you to read my book StarGate Earth Secret Government and Full Galactic Disclosure (2012) which explains Exopolitics, The Majestic Documents, The Galactic Federation and shows on Google Earth the coordinates of many of the StarGates on Earth at http://StarGateEarth.org
All of my activities including my other websites http://ElizabethTrutwin.org and http://Garuda.co are a volunteer service on my part. I share as much information as I can every day of the week. I receive no income for researching, writing and producing the radio program or any of my other activities. A generous donor has paid for the airtime directly to BBSradio. I receive a very small royalty for my books because Amazon takes all but $1 or $2 per book. The only income I have is for readings from Sananda. It is with this money I pay for my flights and registrations to be present at the life changing events to anchor the New Energies and Set an Intention for Success for Disclosure. It is with the money for readings I pay for all other expenses for me and my family. If you would like to donate to help pay hosting fees for http://Galacticroundtable.org and the other sites which run close to $100/mth please contribute here. If you are interested in a reading I invite you to explore http://ElizabethTrutwin.org/SanandaKumara for more information. It is on this site I have outlined the Teachings and Knowledge for Enlightenment. I share this freely as my Worldwide Spiritual Service to the Whole. Namaste. © Elizabeth Trutwin All Rights Reserved.
To See My Recent Channeled Messages follow this link.
The following is a new Channeled Message from today:
Sharing Unlimited Abundance of the Creators Love A Message from Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin
Greetings! This is Sananda reporting to you from Ten Forward on The New Jerusalem.
Many of you have the feeling since 12.21.12 that you cannot see anything changing. I am bringing you an update and a taste of things to come.
Many of you have the feeling since 12.21.12 that you cannot see anything changing. I am bringing you an update and a taste of things to come.
On December 21st 2012 a Galactic Center alignment allowed a full open flow of energies to Earth. Allow me to explain it deeper. Albert Einstein had hypothesized about 13 Dimensions. The first 12 Dimensions are in the Physical Realm and Earth is at the 5th Dimension and then some. The 13th Dimension is accessed through Galactic Center in the light matter or Antimatter Realm of Light. Everything there is white light and formless. With the astronomical alignment a clear path was made available for merging with these High Energies.
On January 21st 2013 Earth Nuclear Engineer MT Keshe put out a call for all countries to sign a World Peace Treaty. To date approximately 19 Countries including the United States, Russia, China, Australia, Peru, Bolivia and Japan have signed. There are more than 190 Countries in the World and so we could see improvement. Dr. Keshe has set March 21st as the date to release the new technologies to those governments who have signed the World Peace Treaty.
On February 11th 2013 Pope Benedict resigned. He was forced to step down. We have always said that the arrest of the Pope for War Crimes was the sign to look for that we are ready to see a big shift. The new Pope Francis, named after Francis of Assisi is not the one wearing the outer clothing of Jorge Mario. This Soul is being overlighted by Master Kuthumi and he himself is now an Angelic Soul which took up residence here. This was part of the Master Plan. This will allow the necessary healing for millions of Catholics without destroying their entire faith in God. All is in Divine Order. Allowing this dispensation helps Catholics move forward with their Ascension.
On March 15th 2013 the largest ever coronal mass ejection released from the Sun flooded Earth on March 17th 2013 with necessary downloads of light codes and light language from the stars through the winged white Lions to be shared with Humanity by sequential repetitive sound harmonic vibrations and frequencies, data streams and language of Light communication that will be pulsing through the sacred space of the Divine Heart when the time is ready near Disclosure.
On March 27th and the days which follow a follow-up grander influx of Divine Energy larger than what happened on December 21st 2012 will flow to Earth opening the heart center of every child woman and man and it will activate all those who are prepared to receive upgrades on the 12 strands of DNA. This will enable everybody to access higher knowledge and it will continue the process of lighting the crystalline body in each One. You will recall and remember Who You Are, Where You Came From and Why You Are Here. As that is completed you will no longer need to experience dysfunction on any level of your expression. You are encouraged to ask your Inner Self for help from Higher Beings to restore any weakness in your physical vehicles. The Spirit Doctors will help if you ask and allow.
April 12th will be a Light Gathering of Galactics, Ascended Masters, Angels and those from other Realms of Light from many Dimensions will gather together on Earth for the purpose of anchoring this large influx of energy creating a magnetic anomaly bubble in which Disclosure will occur. The activities at the release of the Sirius Movie and the Citizens Hearing will be coordinated through the ACIO with the Highest Beings of Light as they assist Earth through this transition.
April 22nd The Release of the Sirius Documentary.
April 29th The one week long Citizen Hearing on Disclosure in Washington D.C.
Throughout April there will be on site activations of the Great Sun Disks deep inside Earth linking those on Earth with the Ships transmitting the light codes and harmonics for New Earth.
Can you See with Eyes That See? You are watching Disclosure and Announcements unfolding right in front of you as a sequential flow of events. Things are happening. These events are carefully timed out to prepare all of Humanity to receive these gifts in due course. Even those Ones working at the Highest Levels to accomplishDisclosure and Announcements are not always aware of the Forces working with them. Connect your heart lights with the intention of the Highest Good for All Involved as we march ever nearer to Change Over at Zero Point. Join your Consciousness together in Oneness.
As we move forward, utilizing the Light Cities as spoken about before by Archangel Michael through other sources, we will take some time to heal Mother Earth. Much needs to be done in every aspect of life.
In the Years which follow we can see Earth moving back through The Eye of On. The Eye of On is the Great Mother»s through which closing and opening (of Her eye) creation, sustentation and retraction, suppression and promotion occur. We will learn to travel in our Mer Ka Bah bodies through the Star at Orions» Belt called Al Nilam or On. This process will take us back through the three great rings of energy which is called the Central Sun or Alcyone. These appear as rings the same as the rings around Saturn. The Central Sun is an Etheric StarGate which is three rings which step up our energy in a progression of three in order to prepare the frequency of our Mer Ka Bah bodies to travel out to the Antimatter Universe called On. It is very very important to meditate so these skills may be acquired. Meditation is how One accesses their Mer Ka Bah Body for unrestricted travel to these other realms of Pure Light. On is the light matter Universe twin to our dark matter Universe of Nebadon. You are loved beyond belief. Call to me as you integrate new intelligence and have questions which require answers. I am always beside you, Guiding you ~ The Ground Crew on Earth. This is Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, March 17th 2013. © Elizabeth Trutwin All Rights Reserved.

Disclosure, Announcements and NESARA The Big Picture Part 3 by Elizabeth Trutwin, March 26, 2013
On April 15, 2010, President Obama gave a speech at the Kennedy Space Center at NASA. He disclosed a vital piece of the puzzle for the Secret Space Program but no one noticed. He said:
"That's the story of NASA. And it's a story that started a little more than half a century ago, far from the Space Coast, in a remote and desolate region of what is now called Kazakhstan. Because it was from there that the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first artificial satellite to orbit the Earth, which was little more than a few pieces of metal with a transmitter and a battery strapped to the top of a missile. But the world was stunned. Americans were dumbfounded. The Soviets, it was perceived, had taken the lead in a race for which we were not yet fully prepared."
The Secret Space Program effectively began on July 7, 1947 when they changed the story of the Zeta Reticulan Ship being run off course when we messed with the radar waves which made their instrumentation veer off course and crash their craft. Jesse Marcel Sr. said the debris they picked up was metal no thicker than the foil from a cigarette packet but if you put a sledge hammer to it, it did not bend. He was in charge then in the United States and the Pacific for the Army of all Air Terrain Radar Mapping Systems and he said that metal was not of this World.
When Sputnik was launched members of the United States Military and Intelligence and their counterparts in the Soviet Union who were both under contract with the negative extraterrestrials at the time, fabricated a cover story together. How else were they going to siphon money off their national budgets undetected for the next 65 years? Sometimes they worked together and do to this day on the multiple International Space Stations going out to deep space bringing back payloads which would blow your mind.
Back in 1960 when Sputnik circled the Earth Americans were dumbfounded. An artificial cold relationship was crafted by the governments of the United States and Russia who were Allies in WWII. They felt if they threw together a few pieces of metal with a battery strapped to the top of a missile and a transmitter to show us its route while in flight it would effectively cause a competition between the two countries. It worked. It has worked for 65 years. How much longer will you be lied to? How much longer will you allow money to be spent on something you do not know a thing about?
In 1961 President Kennedy made his famous speech asking for Americans to prepare to travel to the Moon. President Obama said at NASA in 2010: "The Soviets, it was perceived, had taken the lead in a race for which we were not yet fully prepared."
In 1961 the United States National Security Agency (NSA) which had been born out of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) landed on the Moon with NSA Astronauts. President Kennedy was well aware of this. When he decided to whistle blow then he did not make it. NASA was a cover story. NASA was a Civilian Agency. NSA was under the Department of Defense (DOD). NASA received its funding and that money was put into technologies put into place by reverse engineers and the private contractors working for DOD. Reverse Engineers took the Space Crafts shot down by the U.S. Military and reverse-engineered anti-gravity devices and more. Lockheed Martin is one example where a company builds bombs to launder money from war into the Secret Space Program while at Skunk Works is building Secret Technologies for the Secret Space Program and making money hand over fist on both ends. Do you think all of these private contractors like Boeing want you to have Full Galactic Disclosure and end their honey pot? Zero Point Energy which the Keshe Foundation is equipped to release to the world would end all war. These Military, Intelligence, Government and Private Contractors would have all their excessive income go away as well as likely see jail sentences for breaking their oaths of office. And more.
In 1961 the United States National Security Agency (NSA) which had been born out of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) landed on the Moon with NSA Astronauts. President Kennedy was well aware of this. When he decided to whistle blow then he did not make it. NASA was a cover story. NASA was a Civilian Agency. NSA was under the Department of Defense (DOD). NASA received its funding and that money was put into technologies put into place by reverse engineers and the private contractors working for DOD. Reverse Engineers took the Space Crafts shot down by the U.S. Military and reverse-engineered anti-gravity devices and more. Lockheed Martin is one example where a company builds bombs to launder money from war into the Secret Space Program while at Skunk Works is building Secret Technologies for the Secret Space Program and making money hand over fist on both ends. Do you think all of these private contractors like Boeing want you to have Full Galactic Disclosure and end their honey pot? Zero Point Energy which the Keshe Foundation is equipped to release to the world would end all war. These Military, Intelligence, Government and Private Contractors would have all their excessive income go away as well as likely see jail sentences for breaking their oaths of office. And more.
Since 1961 NSA has been running flights to the Moon and Mars sometimes weekly. Large payloads were taken to the Moon from the Space Elevators in Diego Garcia and Sri Lanka. You can easily see them from Google Earth, take a look. This is how they built the structures on the Moon and Mars. The New York Times wrote three articles on the National Space Council between 1989 and 1991 about how ex-NASA Chief Richard Truly was going to blow the whistle on the Bush Administration about the Billion Dollar Budget being spent on the Moon and Mars. Bush Sr. fired him and closed the National Space Council and sealed the records. How much longer will you allow money to be spent on something you do not know a thing about? Why do you think the United States mints all the extra dollars they need? To pay off the private contractors and others working for the Secret Space Program.
The Disclosure and Advocacy Movement of Exopolitics has been holding meetings for years exposing these and other truths but no one is listening. On May 9, 2001 Dr. Steven Greer of the Disclosure ProjectSirius.Neverendinglight.com held a meeting at The National Press Club in Washington D.C. where many witnesses who had been to the biggest events in "UFO history" came forward and explained to the World about the ongoing Truth Embargo. Less than two months later President George W. Bush left for Texas where he spent 91 days at his ranch, instead of in the White House. George Bush Sr. and Dick Cheney with Donald Rumsfeld and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Richard Myers - with several others - planned 911. They worked all summer and on the morning when Alan Greenspan was at The World Trade Center, the financial headquarters of the United States, to publicly begin to Announce provisions of NESARA Law Dick Cheney, working from fifty stories below the White House with NSA Operatives worked the joy stick flying the Missiles into the Towers and the Pentagon. It was so much worse than duping people with the first Missile called Sputnik. It set NESARA Law enactment back 11 years and counting. Do you think you can connect the dots between Disclosure, Announcements, NESARA? They say hindsight is 20/20 Vision. How much longer are you going to allow money to be spent on something you know nothing about? You wonder why Congress refuses to make things better.
On April 29th - May 3rd, 2013 there will be a Citizen Hearing held for the first time in 45 years concerning extraterrestrials at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. two blocks from The White House and twelve blocks from the Capitol. Some forty or fifty witnesses will give testimony to former Congress Members and it will be filmed for a Documentary called The Truth Embargo. This is being produced by the Executive Director of Paradigm Research Group http://ParadigmResearchGroup.org Stephen Bassett. There will be a live stream available for a nominal fee all week. It is important that together we witness this Disclosure of the Secret Space Program from the whistle blowers, witnesses and researchers who have dedicated their lives to telling the truth. To arrange live streaming of the event visit http://CitizenHearing.org Archives of the event will be free to all with no suppression of the information. Later The Truth Embargo Documentary will be available in theaters around the nation.
On April 29th - May 3rd, 2013 there will be a Citizen Hearing held for the first time in 45 years concerning extraterrestrials at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. two blocks from The White House and twelve blocks from the Capitol. Some forty or fifty witnesses will give testimony to former Congress Members and it will be filmed for a Documentary called The Truth Embargo. This is being produced by the Executive Director of Paradigm Research Group http://
As Earth Citizens it is our responsibility that we participate in Action Politics and ask our elected officials to come clean. President Obama just may be prepared to do this. It is possible he has been preparing for lifetimes to do just this. President Obama will be the Disclosure President. This will pave the way for Announcements and the Enactment of NESARA Law. First We The People must ask him to. You may help by simply signing a Petition. Can you spare two or three minutes to sign a Petition? If you are over thirteen years old and a Citizen of Earth in any country you are eligible to sign. We need 100,000 signatures. Can I count on you to spread the word in social media? There are millions of people all over the World who have been contactees and or abductees and they know for certain that extraterrestrials are real. Millions. Can we get 100,000 signatures? Please sign the Petition here http://Wh.Gov/Hqqe Until Earth Citizens acknowledge between themselves and their elected officials that there has been engagement between ET and their governments they will not decloak and land on Earth. Why would they?
There are superficial issues which relate to NASA flights and deeper questions which deal with NSA flights which were occurring eight years before the first NASA Astronauts did arrive on the Moon. NSA craft & ET crafts were parked on the Moon when NASA arrived. So, there were both fake and real flights. Only the NSA flights, with the help of negative ETs, were allowed to continue. NASA was thrown off the moon by both negative ETs and NSA and told not to come back. That is why NASA never went back to the Moon. The covert operations within the Moon Structures were not to benefit We The People but only a few haughty Souls who today do not mind watching you starve and lose your homes. The bankers and the mortgage underwriters. Enter NESARALaw. The Secret Space Program uses an academy across the highway, inside a mountain, from the Air Force Academy. The 'real, NSA astronauts' fly the ultra top secret TR3B, Aurora and other anti-gravity equipped craft-like the Shark helicopter designed by reverse engineers.
Today there is not one International Space Station (ISS) there are MANY. The Civilian Agency NASA uses two power units on the ISS. The typical rocket thrusters of the typical launch. Secretly they have another puzzle to display: Another booster, the second booster that cuts in far above prying eyes, their using a propulsion technology that effectively transforms a mega ton platform into one weighing only a few pounds and sends them onto many strange places-far from their supposed objectives. This is how they service many Secret Space platforms: we have MANY of these so called ISS platforms. They can launch one of these and get to where they can RDVU with their target days ahead of conventional craft and in silence. That's a pretty closely kept secret. How much longer are you going to allow money to be spent on something you know nothing about?
On the ISS Off-Planet Scientists and Astronauts work together with Earth Astronauts on joint Missions. A few of the 'other' major players have been involved from the beginning include the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Antares, Andromedans, Procyon, Lrya-Vega, Virgo, Orion Constellations with planets which reach across quite a polarity spectrum; Dracos, Ursa Major (Bear) Ursa Minor, Leo, Sag, Zeti, inner planets Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter; outer planets, Uranus, Mercury, Pluto, Neptune, Niburu and 100 million/billion galaxies and the Great Central Sun; this is a planetary Ascension that involves all these and many more for which we do not remember or know the names. Some of you have vague memories of coming from these places. President Obama has the technology to link through video from Camp David to these Missions in Space communicating with these Astronauts. Twin Brothers and both of them Commanders of the ISS - Mark and Scott Kelly helped Gabrielle Giffords who was on The House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space and Technology recover from a gunshot wound to the brain in a Black Ops attempt to take her life. Gabby is married to Mark Kelly and he is now retired from the Space Program. He had logged more miles to the ISS from the Space Shuttle than any other before he retired. It is time to end the Truth Embargo.
In the post-NESARA world transportation which now is all polluting and petroleum based will go away. Zero Point devices and energies will be non-polluting, inexpensive and complementary to our development. Most factories and power plants and highways will no longer be appropriate. We will be using anti-gravity lifting devices of many types that require no such support systems.((Since every particle of matter and spirit is upgrading, even our present homes will upgrade with us until we are ready and desiring to move to the crystal cities and restore the old areas to pristine natural areas. Tabletop 3D copiers, Replicators and Organic gardens with new seeds and new technologies are the two most important aspects of our new living arrangements.((We will want everything in our homes and everything we eat and wear to be non-toxic to us and others. I can tell you that the ships replicators can make anything you can imagine exactly the way you most desire it to look and taste and yet be completely healthy and supportive of our new crystalline structures. New ways to communicate in many modes will replace our current commercial systems. © Elizabeth Trutwin All Rights Reserved.
Disclosure, Announcements and NESARA The Big Picture Part 4 by Elizabeth Trutwin, May 20, 2013
New Paradigm for Earth
Science unravels the mystery of nature. Far too long we have been held captive by stories of traveling the speed of light and locked in by petroleum propulsion for our planes, trains and automobiles. As we found out at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure from Dr. Robert Wood, Dr. Thomas Valone, Dr. Steven Greer and witnesses from more than ten countries, the extraterrestrial sciences seen in space defy what we understand in physics. What is less often being told is that our science is using Zero Point Energy for propulsion and many other wonders but is being suppressed by our military industrial complex by force. This is one of the obstacles to announcing Disclosure. How do we tell Congressmen that all they have believed in, the lies they fell for based on ignorance held back our civilization from having advanced technologies and free energy? So much has been withheld that caused a lot of misery for billions of people. We will all have to forgive ourselves for not demanding the truth be told. The science we bank on today is not even one percent of the mystery of nature. This is a Cosmic Crisis because Earth depends so much on other Planets and the Civilizations which live there. The Extraterrestrials who work to help liberate Earth from a state of ignorance look forward to sharing their science which is 1 million to 100 million years ahead of what we now know. The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure was a purification preparing for the abundance to come. Preparation, renewal and a reminder of the fulfillment of those whose work it is to bring bliss to Earth.
Mischief in the Making
Some where along the line we began believing gold is the main vehicle for wealth. In this world everything else has devalued. Gold today represents wealth. Those making money since 1972 based on the petroleum economy of Earth have 100s of millions of dollars - much of it socked away in off shore accounts - more than they could ever spend - and they refuse to let go of $10 million dollars to change everything. St Germain and others have given an invitation to those with excessive wealth to open the path to liberation for the whole Planet and as of this writing they continue to refuse. Everything has become distorted. Once the invitation is extended to help then the karma becomes that of the wealthy One who refuses to help. Granting Earth the hand up clears the karma for those caught up in the Star Wars of thousands of years ago. It is an honor not to be missed.
When we have Full Galactic Disclosure then we must face up to Earths» long history of engaging with Extraterrestrials. There was a period from around the 1920s to the 2009 when Extraterrestrial abductions, mutilations and hybrid implantations were widely experienced by millions of people. Back then our governments went into treaties to allow these things to happen without interference in exchange for advanced technologies. This happened due to greed of a few and this is where the money was
911 At The Pentagon - Defense Accounting Computers Destroyed By Missile Attack
made. It came through private companies building new technologies and gaining the boon to selling these technologies to countries over all Earth.
Understand. In order to implement these clandestine cooperatives new laws were written to support these activities directly. Laws effecting banks, education, medicine, governments, currencies, land ownership, illicit drugs, our militaries and intelligence were written to keep the Secret Space Program functioning while hiding the technology and the money laundering from public scrutiny. The night before NESARA Law was to be announced Donald Rumsfeld the then Secretary of Defense went on ABC news to announce that 2.3 Trillion dollars »had gone missing». The next day on September 11, 2001 a missile was directed into the Pentagon building and hit the servers where the military finance accounting was stored on large computers. April Gallop took this issue to court suing Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Meyers for endangering those at the Pentagon. President Bush»s cousin John Walker heard the case in the Second Circuit which was eventually dismissed. There was never a plane at the Pentagon. There has been a deep, deep and far reaching across the board refusal to allow the truth to come out. This is why it is called The Truth Embargo. We are seeing in the news now the IRS is coming under attack, the bribed bank officials in China are under fire, The media AP have been exposed, Eric Holder and Ben Bernanke are being held to task by Elizabeth Warren for Too Big To Jail, CIA and FBI members have been killed in different ways - all players who have kept these secrets can no longer run and hide. They are turning on each other. 

President Obama hugs Gabby Giffords after her presentation to Congress in 2013 asking for legislation on gun control.
The Truth Is Very Difficult
On April 17, 2013 an explosive wrapped in
ceramics was dropped from the International Space
Station. The Blast registered 2.1 on the Richters Scale. It was reported on 911 as »a bomb exploded». There were
multiple buildings around
there that were leveled and there was a large crater left where the bomb hit.
Immediately following this a false flag went out in Boston to cover over any speculation in West, Texas that a bomb was dropped in a place where an explosion could be perceived. Boston was a Black Op and was a diversion to take our attention off the fact that the United States had been bombed by the United States. Why? We do not fully know and it is still being investigated. The Citizen Hearing testimony made it clear that decades of information has been suppressed which would explain these relationships between those representing the United States and the Citizens who have given away their power.
ceramics was dropped from the International Space
Station. The Blast registered 2.1 on the Richters Scale. It was reported on 911 as »a bomb exploded». There were
multiple buildings around
there that were leveled and there was a large crater left where the bomb hit.

Even as this is hard to receive we have evidence that something on the International Space Station is not as it appears. We know the Altimarians work with our Earth Scientists on joint projects as well as Extraterrestrials from other places. Gabrielle Giffords, former Congresswoman from Arizona had appointments on these committees when she was shot in the head: Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces, Subcommittee on Readiness, Committee on Science, Space and Technology, Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics (Ranking Member) Subcommittee on Technology and Innovation. She also is married to Astronaut Mark Kelly who was Commander of ISS a number of times and whose twin brother Astronaut Scott Kelly was the current Commander of ISS January 8, 2011, the day Gabby was

It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better
All over the internet are paid disinformation agents, CIA Agents infiltrated into the media and false stories so it is very difficult to know what is true. Often horrific stories are told which have no truth at all and there is no way to verify them. Many dubious plans have been hatched over the years by those still wanting control over the StarGates, still waging wars for that control and wanting control over natural resources on Earth to trade in deep Space.
The Galactic Federation Is Here Now Helping Us
Those in the Ashtar Command have been helping us from many points in Space, the Pleiades, Niburu, Arcturus, Alpha Centauri and many other Civilizations with technologies vastly greater than ours. The Wing Maker Ships and Pleiadian MotherShips help us with environmental disasters and mitigating effects to the Poles

preventing a shift. There are also Sun Cruiser Ships which are massive beyond your belief. These have been seen on youtubes driving past the Sun and seemingly pulling energy out of the Sun.
After many years of observing nuclear weapons proliferation on Earth Ashtar and the Legions of Light made a permanent change to Earth»s atmosphere rendering all nukes useless. On April 22, 1999 Ashtar using two Sun Cruisers hurled two balls of light into our Sun Sol and this changed it from hydrogen based to helium based rendering all nuclear weapons duds. No nuclear weapon discharged since then has had an atmospheric effect. These technologies are millions of years advanced to what we know now.
Galactic Intervention in the form of Clones and Holograms has been a dispensation to help us move toward Disclosure since Harmonic Convergence in August 1987. Russia in the X17 facility in Siberia and the United States in Area 51 have had cloning programs. They have been used by the dark and the light. A portion of the persons original DNA is used. When it is time a remote control will shut down these clones and holograms and they will no longer exist on this timeline. When this happens the solutions will have been put into place for Disclosure, for our economies, governments and religious organizations. Last week BBC news in the UK featured advances in human cloning on the front page of their newspaper. These articles are to help us ease into the very difficult stories which will come out with Full Galactic Disclosure. Only around 65 of 535 United States Congress are still human. The others are either solid holograms or clones and that explains why they have no soul and will not move forward to change things. These Clones and Holograms are controlled by the KOS. The war criminals have been removed from power and when it is time their stand-in will be turned off. The arrests are complete now whether we are aware of it reported to the public or not. 

These pictures from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory show the three X-class flares that the sun emitted in under 24 hours on May 12-13, 2013. http://youtu.be/uEodMTGl4rg
This Week A Very Large Operation Was Averted with Help From The Sun Cruiser Ships From The Ashtar Command
A failed and very elaborate operation from the International Space Station was planned during this period of an immense influx of light between the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on April 25, 2013, the New Moon Solar Eclipse on May 10, 2013 and the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse which will be the Wesak Full Moon on May 25, 2013. The result of the intervention by the Highest Forces of Lights utilizing the Sun Cruiser Ships again were four massive CMEs launched from the Sun. These Extraterrestrials helping in this are human Galactics. They live on the Ships, not on Earth, though many have had incarnations on Earth. Some are of the Angelic Realms, some are from other Stars, some are Ascended Masters. These Extraterrestrials are our Galactic Family and we are a Galactic Civilization. When we accomplish World Peace with the enactment of NESARA Law we become eligible to join the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds as the 33rd Member and participate as Galactic Members at the Galactic Round Table. We have been preparing for this a very long time. The CME blasts were felt on Earth about 48 hours after leaving the Sun. This was an organized and coordinated effort from the Ashtar Command which purpose was to effectively strengthen the electromagnetic grids around Earth and create a force effecting the tetrahedral core of Earth found at 19.5 degrees within Earth where the Earth Crystals of Arkansas and other places are engaging in their new role inside the mountains there. This process helps Earths» stability in the physical realm. This process is preparing for a Zero Point Energy forcefield created by the grid of energy becoming activated between the Earth»s Pyramids, Ziggurats, Obelisks, StarGates and Zero Point Modulators (ZPMs). Within this forcefield no mischief will longer be possible.
El Hierro island in the Canaries off the shores of Morocco had a large crack in the seabed under the Island going back to the nuclear explosion which destroyed the Earth Crystal during the time of Atlantis. Many who are incarnated now have returned to work out the karma associated with that event. Back then during a power struggle the Palaces of China were the target for nuclear destruction. We are playing out these scenarios today. We play with the idea of nuclear war with North Korea, South Korea and China. The nuclear destruction during the time of Atlantis 5000 years ago left a seven mile deep hole and great cracks in the floor of the ocean. Continents sunk. The one that was a very(big fissure came from the Bermuda Triangle,(where the Crystal was shattered, all across(t he Atlantic Ocean to the Azores in the Canary Islands.
These land masses today are rising and a great island is being formed by volcanic activity under the Canary Islands. If the volcano which is under great pressure blows at El Hierro it could complete the large fissure which would effect changes in Florida and all the way up the East Coast into Newfoundland. The only way this could happen would be if the dark Ops were allowed to use the technology they have on the International Space Station.

The release of the four CMEs in two days from the Sun through the technology on the Sun Cruisers averted the attack planned from the International Space Station which could have caused major trauma for thousands in the United States. It would have been like being struck by »Katrina» and »Sandy» at the same time with massive flooding and destruction. An event such as this could have diverted plans for Disclosure for an unacceptable amount of time. The operation has been successfully cancelled.
Connect The Dots
This Video http://youtu.be/W0xzsbSbVUE Links NESARA, 911, and Disclosure. Witnessed by U.S. Major General Albert (Bert) Newton Stubblebine III, U.S. Army, retired. Last job - In Charge of All Army Strategic Intelligence Forces Around The World. George W. Bush sat there in the classroom after his Chief of Staff told him the U.S. was "under attack" he just sat there continuing to read with the children for several minutes.
Dick Cheney Was in Colorado on 911 at the NSA Astronaut Headquarters inside the mountain across from Air Force Academy and he Ordered the Air Defense Systems in NYC and D.C. turned OFF.
THEN he flew to D.C. and took his place in the White House 50 stories underground with NSA operatives while he commanded with a joystick the Missiles which hit the Twin Towers while "W" was with Jeb in Florida.
This was the morning Alan Greenspan was going to Announce NESARA Law Provisions in Public and the North Tower held the Computers on Floor 1 & 2 which would have changed us over to Treasury Bills throughout the Banks. Has NESARA been enacted then we would have achieved World Peace - no more war. No trouble.
This was the morning Alan Greenspan was going to Announce NESARA Law Provisions in Public and the North Tower held the Computers on Floor 1 & 2 which would have changed us over to Treasury Bills throughout the Banks. Has NESARA been enacted then we would have achieved World Peace - no more war. No trouble.
Disclosure, Announcements and NESARA The Big Picture
Now that the small "d" disclosure event has come to pass April 29th - May 3rd in Washington D.C. and all the testimony has been shared with former members of Congress we are prepared for big "D" Disclosure which will be President Obama with his Military and Intelligence representatives announcing to the world that the United States has engaged with Extraterrestrials. If another Head of State from another Country goes first President Obama will have to follow quickly behind and miss his chance at being The Disclosure President. At least thirteen other Countries Air Forces all have video tapes from their Fighter Gun Video Mounts with indisputable evidence that the United States and other governments have engaged with Extraterrestrials. It is time now for an official Announcement to the public and delaying it is very foolish for those involved who will be held accountable. Twelve years after 911 preempted enactment of NESARA Law public Announcements will begin the Economic and National Security Reformation. When you watched the testimony from these very brave men who are aged and have kept their secrets for a lifetime - did you contemplate what would have kept Disclosure from happening sooner? It wasn»t the Nazi Extraterrestrial Crafts reported to Eisenhower by the CIA. It wasn»t time traveling War Criminals traveling through rifts in time. It wasn»t Alien Abductions or 911. Those events are greatly important but it is so much more!
Disclosure, Announcements and the enactment of NESARA Law happen simultaneously. This will raise the collective consciousness of all on Earth. Everyone will be able to handle the Truth. We have been slowly prepared for a dozen years now. We are at a cross roads now that the final dubious plan has been averted by The Extraterrestrials working to free Earth from tyranny. It won»t be long now. Elizabeth Trutwin © All Rights Reserved. http://GalacticRoundTable.net, http:// GalacticRoundTable.co, http://ElizabethTrutwin.org
Listen to 911 Witnesses to Bomb dropped on West, Texas here: http:// video.foxnews.com/v/2308772779001/911-calls-after-deadly-fertilizer-plant-explosion/
Hi Everybody! I have built the NEW http://GalacticRoundTable.net As soon as I am done loading information from http://GalacticRoundTable.org I will forward all other sites to the new site. Please let me know your thoughts. Email me any questions you have eltrutwin@gmail.com I have discontinued my radio program for now because the financing is no longer available. I am looking into other free alternatives now and I will keep you updated. In the last week on air I interviewed Stephen Bassett, Senator Gravel, Ron Garner and Gary Heseltine. I am youtubing these now and will send them along in an email very soon. With these tasks behind me I am finishing the full transcripts of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure and those will be available immediately. With these many tasks behind me I will finish the two books I have promised which were well into production at the beginning of April before I left town for some weeks. The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure has made it so that I will never be the same again. With the testimony out there for all to see I feel no one on Earth will ever be the same again. If you have not yet witnessed the testimony you may do so athttp://CitizenHearing.org for $3.80 It is not to be missed! I will start to catch up on emails and schedule readings again tomorrow. Sending All My Love, beth
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