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“We the Kalasha Indigenous People of Kalasha Valleys HinduKush,Chitral Pakistan are Shocked, Threatened and Deeply grieved by sudden armed attack in our valley Mumuret and KIDNAP of our Greek Brother Athanasious Lerounis. We strongly Condemn & Protest indiscriminate Killing of Chitrari Brother, Abduction of Mr.Lerounis and Torture of Kalashaman. We demand Government of Pakistan to all take measures and means necessary for his immediate RELEASE and PROTECTION of Kalasha People”

Εμείς οι Καλάσσα, ιθαγενής του βορειοδυτικού Πακιστάν, της περιφέρειαςChitral, έχουμε συγκλονιστεί και είμαστε βαθιά θλιμμένοι απ’ τη ξαφνική ένοπλοι επίθεση και την απαγωγή του Έλληνα αδελφού μας Αθανάση Λερούνη.
Επίσης, έντονα καταδικάζουμε, χωρίς διάκριση,το θάνατο του Chitrali αδελφού μας και τον βασανισμό ενός Καλάσσα κατά τη διάρκεια της απάνθρωπης επίθεσης .
Απαιτούμε απ’ τη κυβέρνηση του Πακιστάν αλλά και απ’ τα Ενωμένα Έθνη να λάβουν τα απαραίτητα δραστικά μέτρα για την άμεση ελευθέρωση του Αθανάση Λερούνη και την προστασία της φυλής μας που τίθεται υπό απειλή.
Athanasios Lerounis came to visit Pakistan in early 90’s as traveler, when he heard about”Kalasha” people in Northern Pakistan sharing common historical & cultural ties with ancient Greeks .
He visited the Kalasha Valleys and fell in love with Kalasha people and their ancient culture. His mentorship contribution
In preserving Kalasha Culture & Heritage speaks for itself by the amount of work he did in Kalash Valleys.
Mr. Lerounis built the first Kalasha schools for th children in the three Kalasha valleys. Kalasha people call him BAYA & regard him one of their own.
The Govt. of Pakistan has honored him with various awards specially National Award recognizing his work in fields of Education, Health &Cultural-Preservation.
He made the first Indigenous Museum and Culture Center of Kalasha People known as ‘Kalasha Dur” with support of Hellenic Aid foreign Affairs Greece.
Kalasha are in constant protest for unharmed release of Greek Volunteers Teacher. Here are some of the Press release and Pictures from the Protests.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Prof Athanasios helped build schools, clinics, museum in Chitral
By Rahimullah Yusufzai
PESHAWAR: Thousands of Pakistanis living in Greece could face problems if Professor Athanasios Lerounis, the Greek social worker kidnapped from the Kalash valley of Bamburet in Chitral last week, was harmed.
Wishing anonymity, a Pakistani friend of the kidnapped Greek teacher...
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